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Working with the new tasks

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In my mission I need to dynamically create and delete tasks for two factions (west and east).


I would like to use the new tasks because they look very polished, although it seems I would be using them in a way that isn't really intended.  So I would like to know how to accomplish this if it is possible.


I have several areas on the map, and a server-side script that determines the number of hostile players in each area.  It picks the top X number of areas with the most hostile players in range and stores them in an array so I can do some unit caching type stuff with this information.  It is similar to how areas are "activated" in some capture-the-island game modes, but I want to incorporate the new tasks.


Basically, if there are a lot of blufor players near an area that is not under blufor control, I want to "activate" the area and put an "attack" task on it that is visible by all blufor players.  If that area is also under opfor control, then I want to put a "defend" task on it for all opfor players (the area might be under independent AI control in which case I wouldn't want to put a "defend" task on it, just the "attack" task for blufor.)  And of course, vice-versa for opfor. 



Should I do this by creating two tasks (a defend and an attack) per team at every area, and then only make them visible when my server-side script deems it appropriate?  Or should I create and destroy the tasks on the fly?

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