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Event Handler locality

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I am confused by event handlers in multiplayer.  The wiki says:


Object event handler, always executed on the computer where it was added.





MP notes: "Killed" and "Hit" eventhandlers are executed where given unit is local.
All other eventhandlers are executed on all computers.
Events added by addEventHandler may be different on each computer.




So if I add an event handler to a unit with addEventHandler on computer A, and that event fires (global event like "Fired"), will computer B execute the code that computer A added (assuming addEvenentHandler was not called on computer B explicitly)?


Will computer B be able to use removeEventHandler to remove the event handler added by computer A?



I am hoping the event handler is local and the code it runs is local too (even if the code has commands that have global effect, I am hoping it is only processed by the local machine).  That would be way easier to keep track of.  

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