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2nd Marine Raider Battalion | MILSIM | 18+ | marsoc.us

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1. Must be 18+.
2. Must speak fluent intelligible English.
3. Must be able to make events in the CDT timezone (8pm) and commit a reasonable amount of time to the unit.




MARSOC believes in a structured, organized MILSIM approach to ArmA 3, this allows us to incorporate various skill sets and training's conceived by veterans in both the real world military and in the ArmA community, to bring our personnel in-depth, SOF related operations and missions. We are a tight-knit brotherhood, forged over the past 2 years and we operate as such. We are critical thinkers and problem solvers amongst many other things. We accept only those who truly believe in individuals who don't quit when times get tough and those who put 100% effort forward towards the unit and the unique brotherhood this unit is. Stand for something or don't stand at all.

The skills you will be taught in the Marine Special Operations Command may also be used in the real world, as what we teach you is from real life experience and pre-taught knowledge, the current serving personnel within the Marine Special Operations Command realism unit range from soon to be military to active or ex-military personnel meaning what we teach you is coming from real experience.

Recruits will go through a series of courses and tests to make sure that they are ready to take on the challenges the Marine Special Operations Command will come across in combat. These courses will range from battle drills to learning and familiarization with various U.S. and foreign weapons.


Marine Special Operations Company FOX - A Marine Special Operations Team cannot deploy or operate without the support of the Marine Special Operations Company. The Marine Special Operations Company acts as the command and control of the MSOT's within the company. The Marine Special Operations Company establishes and operates the Advanced Operational Base (AOB).

Marine Special Operations Team 8212 - A forward deployed element which conducts direct action, reconnaissance, infiltration etc. they are an independent operating force which follows the real world MSOT structure.

160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Detachment) - Highly trained aviators in-which provide support for the marine special operations ground elements, which may include close air support, insertion/extraction under enemy fire, air reconnaissance and various other tasks.









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50 slot public server is currently operational with a custom port of hearts and minds on chernarus.

Required mods for the map are as follows;


RHS: AFRFRHS - http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/1

RHS: USAF - http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/2

RHS: GREF - http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/3

CUP Terrains Complete - http://cup-arma3.org/download


We look forward to playing with any pubber wanting to experience some high speed operations.

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 yxbTm1X.png     WmDZNcR.png



A few high speed wallpapers and unit patches I made for the unit, check them out here http://marineraiders.net/index.php?/topic/63-unit-patches-and-wallpapers/


We will also be beginning official operations this weekend and the units command staff have put a lot of work into these missions and it really shows, come play with us on the pub server or if you are interested in some more high speed stuff, have a think about joining. Oorah!

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Operation Tropic Storm Phase I was completed last weekend and went surprisingly smoothly.


Next weekend we will be conducting Phase II of Operation Tropic Storm. Come check us out!



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Operation Tropic Storm (Phase III) will be conducted this weekend, we are still looking for players wanting to find a great group of realism players.


Our operations typically run every weekend at 8pm CST, if you are interested add me on steam at SpartanSix or just hit up the website.


We look forward to hearing from you, Oorah.


Edit: Op completed, all objectives successfully completed.



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Operation Purple Haze (Mission II) will be conducted this weekend, we are still looking for players wanting to find a great group of milsim players.


Our operations typically run every weekend at 8pm CST, if you are interested add me on steam at SpartanSix or just hit up the website. We will also be running our monthly ITC course this weekend.



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Operation Desert Sabre has officially begun and we are looking for persons who enjoy a military simulated approach to there arma 3 experience.


We currently have only Critical Skill Operator positions available.


Check us out at marsoc.us


Our Teamspeak is ts.marsoc.us

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Today I am looking for experienced milsim players in which possess some knowledge of the Marine Raiders and how they operate.
I am rebuilding this unit from the ground up and would like persons whom believe they are capable of following and leading in and out of the battlefield to join.
This unit was once a force to be reckon with and I believe it is more than possible to make this unit great again if not better.
If this interests you, please add me directly on steam (SpartanSix) or go to marsoc.us and place an application.

Captain A. Mitchell

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Operation Proving Grounds was conducted for candidates going through ITC to help cadre see, where improvements can be made.





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Operation Badlands is currently scheduled for next weekend which will take place in Beketov.

If you are interested in joining MARSOC, fill in an application at marsoc.us or jump on teamspeak at ts.marsoc.us to chat to a recruiter.

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Here's some raw footage from an operation a few months back. Be aware that the screen freezes up for several minutes at a time throughout this video.

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Addionally we have introduced new callsign patches pictured below for both the MSOT and MSOC.


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Operation Badlands has come to an end. With that being said a new threat has emerged in Turkey which required MARSOC's attention, MSOC-F has been deployed to Bozcaada to rectify the situation, Operation Dark Horse has commenced.

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We are currently in the process of re-organizing the unit and are looking for veteran mil-sim players to join the ranks and possibly take up non-com positions.

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