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[ARMA3][SERVER] New Unofficial Public Server for Operation Trebuchet

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For all that are interested, a new server for the Operation Trebuchet mod has been set up. This server is, of course, open to the public with one additional mod requirement other than OPTRE and it's dependencies. The server will be running a blank Zeus Gamemaster mission and the Zeus slots (located at the bottom of the player lobby) are open to anyone who wants to try their hand at providing a fun yet challenging experience to the players. Currently the server is set up for a maximum of 30 players, but will be increased as/if popularity grows.


There are only a few simple yet important rules to be followed:

  •  Be respectful to your fellow players
  •  No trolling
  •  Do not abuse Zeus (i.e spamming random objects, dropping things on top of players to kill them, abusing lightning strikes etc.)
  •  Zeus abuse will result in a kick after the first offense and a ban after the second
  •  You MUST be in teamspeak while on the server (See required mods)

Other than that have a good time and please leave feedback to help us improve your experience(s) on the server.

Without further ado, here is the server information:


Server Name: Stay Tactical - Operation Trebuchet - OPTRE


Server IP/Port:


Teamspeak IP: staytactical.ts.nfoservers.com


Discord Server: https://discord.gg/0wTFBA1dkIewB2Hn


Required Mods: Community Based Addons, Operation Trebuchet, Task Force Radio


Optional Mods: Blastcore A3, JSRS3 Dragonfyre EDEN, JSRS3 Dragonfyre 2.5 (if you haven't upgraded your JSRS yet), 

ShackTac Group Indicators, ShackTac Nametags, ShackTac Fireteam HUD, Ares Modules (highly recommended if you're going to Zeus)


P.S. This server will also begin OPTRE as well as non-OPTRE events, and operations as time goes on and the community begins to grow.

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