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Phantom Six

Arma Hardcore Coop Missions Worth Playing Again List

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Hello Arma 3 Community,


The following Arma Hardcore Coop Missions Worth Playing Again List is overall based off of the Comrades in Arms Online Hardcore Coop Mission List found on this thread


The player counts, mission name, mission description, author, and island name is overall the same as the Comrades in Arms list, but the completed/not completed/status sections have been replaced with a Length section instead (how long on average a mission may take to complete). 


Mission names that contain a hyperlink will contain personal remarks from me or anyone who wanted to review or comment about it. They may also contain a video or screenshot of that mission. Author names that contain a hyperlink will redirect you to that mission's Steam workshop page.


Important notes:

  • Missions are coop only.
  • There are no respawn and no zombie missions.
  • Missions are listed in their file names and are renamed by Comrades in Arms to keep a unified naming standard
  • There are several tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet (Arma 3 section and a Legend to tell you what labels mean) (Arma 2 sections are locked since I don't maintain that section anymore since I don't really have anyone reliable to play with and I play Arma 3 a lot more)
  • How long a mission is Short, Medium, Long is based on my personal hunch on how long it takes to beat a mission. I'll try to take into account for longer than necessary safety procedure that takes up a considerable amount of time. Expect me to lean towards the faster option when labeling, but I'll try to average out the duration. (See Legends on exactly numerical time duration of Short, Medium, Long)
  • If there's a "?" on Length, it means that I have not played or seen any quantifiable data on SWEC to calculate how long the mission may take.


This list will expand here and there based on missions selected during Comrades in Arms nostalgia missions night (missions to be played again) for higher player count and my own personal experiences playing with a buddy or two for smaller mission counts. 

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