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side player check failing

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Created an addaction to spawn a remote designator, but the script ignores my check for player side. It compiles but never places the right one.

onMapSingleClick " 
	if (alive player) then 

		_vehicle = ""O_Static_Designator_02_F"";
		if ((side player) == east) then 		{_vehicle = ""O_Static_Designator_02_F""};
		if ((side player) == resistance) then {_vehicle = ""I_Static_Designator_02_F""};
		if ((side player) == west) then 		{_vehicle = ""B_Static_Designator_02_F""};
		_posmk = getmarkerpos ""strat_circle_target"";
		_distance = _posmk distance _pos;

		if (_distance < _limit) then 
				player setpos _pos;
				hint format [""Placing remote designator \nDistance:%1"", _distance];
				createVehicleCrew (createVehicle [_vehicle, getpos player, [], 5, ""NONE""]);
				completed = 1;
				hint format [""Placing failed.\n\nLocation not inside the combat zone.\nDistance:%1"", _distance];

		openMap false; 

		finished = true;

waitUntil {finished};
onMapSingleClick '';

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finished = false;
["11", "onMapSingleClick", {
global_pos = _pos;
if (alive player) then
  _vehicle = switch (side player) do {
    case west:
    case resistance:
    case east:
  _posmk = getmarkerpos "strat_circle_target";
  _distance = _posmk distance _pos;
  _limit = 100;

  if (_distance < _limit) then
      player setpos _pos;
      hint format ["Placing remote designator \nDistance:%1", _distance];
      createVehicleCrew (createVehicle [_vehicle, getpos player, [], 5, "NONE"]);
      hint format ["Vehicle: %1", _vehicle];
      completed = 1;
    } else {
      hint format ["Placing failed.\n\nLocation not inside the combat zone.\nDistance:%1", _distance];
  openMap false;
  finished = true;
}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

waitUntil {finished};
["laserDesignatorMap","onMapSingleClick"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;

Just use a switch statement. I tested it and it seems to work (besides the fact it's not actually placing a laser designator, but at least _vehicle is correct)

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