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More Eden effects?

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I would love if i could have loads more of effects in Eden, as it is now I kind of feel short handed on a lot of the things I can do with the effects such as the tracer fire I wish I could make em a higher caliber like a .50 and for the audio as well I wish there was a lot more variation to choose from. All in all I feel like effects wise it could definitely get an upgrade because for me personally i just the effects a lot to simulate combat is happening all around you but I feel very limited in terms of sound and just overall effects and i would love it if ya guys just took another look at the effects and tried to throw out in ideas, thanks <3  :D



It's 5 in the morning and I'm sure i didn't cover everything so if you guys read this and know of a few ideas you would love to see in effects throw em on down ;)

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