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Helo unloading

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I've been trying to get a helicopter to unload its transport really fast, but the units that get off from it get out so slow... they get off one by one, but i want them all out fast all at once. any ideas?

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If you want you can do it this way:

Make a trigger with a certain dimension (e.g. Ellipse 50*50) point where your chopper's "Unload Transport"-WP is. Group this trigger with your chopper. Select on "Activation"-field "Vehicle" "Once" "Present".

At "Condition"-field enter: "this and (getpos yourChopperName select 2 <5)"

At "On Activation"-Field enter: [yourGroupLeaderName,yourChopperName,0.1] exec "eject.sqs"

my eject.sqs-file contanis this simplified version of gustaffson's editing tutorial eject-script:

_Egrp = _this select 0

_Object = _this select 1

_freq = _this select 2

_GrpVektor = Units _Egrp

_numEl = count _GrpVektor

_i = 0


(_GrpVektor select _i) action["EJECT",_Object]; UnassignVehicle (_GrpVektor select _i)

_i = _i + 1


? (_i < _numEl) : goto "Update"


you may copy these lines in your own eject.sqs (or whatever name you want)-file or think out something of your own in this way.

Hope this helped

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