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=242= CPT. Helios

Virtual Entities in Eden do not work

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Case I. - Virtual Game Master placed in editor

1. Place a virtual GAME MASTER entity and ensure that he is zeus. 
2. Attempt to load your mission using a dedicated server, slotting into the zeus slot.
3. You will notice that you will not be able to load. It my particular case, as soon as the admin pushed escape, and stopped loading in as a game master, all players immediately loaded into the game without incident. 

Case II. Virtual SPECTATOR placed in game.

1. Create an empty mission with 1 player
2. Execute the following code on the player using a function (Or remove the underscores and use the debug console). This code was confirmed to be working before the eden update.

_unit = player;
BIS_fnc_feedback_allowPP = false;
createcenter sideLogic;
_newGroup = createGroup sideLogic;
_newUnit = _newGroup createUnit ["VirtualCurator_F",[0,0,0], [] ,0, "FORM"];
_newUnit allowdamage false;
_newUnit hideObjectGlobal true;
_newUnit EnableSimulation false;
_newUnit setposasl [0,0,150];
selectplayer _newUnit;
waituntil{player == _newUnit};
deleteVehicle _unit;
["Initialize", [player]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator;										

You will notice that you can not switch to this new spectating unit, your character will also be stuck, unable to move or interact in any way other than to exit the game.

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Thanks for repro, seems there are some issues with virtual entities in general. We'll take a look at it.

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