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1.85 bug located

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Since 1.85, using "vehicle unit" always returns the unit, and not the vehicle. Also, try using "weapons vehicle unit" when the unit is in an attack vehicle, and you will always get the unit's weapons, not the vehicle's. This caused me much frustration until I pinpointed it, and, from searching, it has hurt others as well. Try it if you don't believe me. If my system is specifically causing this error please let me know, but I'm fairly sure we need a 1.86 very soon.

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They both work just fine, at least when the unit is the commander of the vehicle.

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I'm using no addons, and when I go in any vehicle, with a trigger radio alpha with the execute line {player sidechat format["%1",vehicle player]}, It never says the vehicle type like it did for 1.75, same as with weapons. I can't use eject scripts anymore that eject the unit from the unit's vehicle.

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