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Boats on Entry

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Ok, I have tried several things; starting groups out using MoveInCargo and AssignAsCargo, etc. But can't get the units into a boat which will disembark on the shore. The group has 4 units, the player and 3 playable units. When I use the AssignAsCargo, they don't even appear in them, when I use MoveInCargo, they appear in them, but when the boat reaches the shore and the waypoint 'Get Out' is reached. 3 soldiers will just APPEAR on the shore, noone will get out, etc.

What I am needing is say Alpha group to enter the game in a boat, go to the shore, and the leader (when AI controlled in MP) says for All to Disembark, and they do.

I have read through all the manuals, tried everything I can think of, etc. Please Help.

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I can't really see what you mean but I'll help to the best of my abilities!:smile:

So you start off in a boat Correct? and you want to disembark as soon as you reach the shore. Right? O.k, insted of using a get out waypoint just use a move waypoint. I made this mistake. And it was by a mere mistake that i figured out how to use it right! The leader should then move to the waypoint and order the squad to disembark. Should work now!

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Ok, what is the best way to have them start INSIDE the boat? using MoveInCargo in their init string.


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Ok.. going to clarify more. I would like to do start like the mission Frog Fishing. In a boat, pulls up to the shore and disembark. If I use the script MoveInCargo for each of the team members and make a waypoint for the boat to the shore. It works.. 'IF' I am playing the leader of the group and tell them to disembark and only after I have gotten out of the boat.

If I choose a playable guy that is NOT the leader of the group, the group leader never tells anyone to disembark even when it hits land.]

Basically, how do these steps..

1. Put 4 guys (3 playable, 1 player) in a boat when the mission starts.

2. If you are NOT the leader of the group, but rather the AI controlling the leader, have HIM tell everyone to disembark.


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Give the boat (or driver of the boat) a transport unload waypoint on the shore.

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No you don't need a getout WP. Just give them a move WP in shore. As soon as the boat unloads, the men will move to the next WP.

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I got it to work after about 4 hours, I believe I was making it too difficult. But, it works great.

So, for those that are 'New', like me.. here are the steps to start your mission as cargo in a boat, being dropped off at a location, and then the boat continues on after dropping you off. This is how I did it anyway.

MP Scenario: Playable characters will enter the game as cargo in a boat, the boat will pull up to the shore, 'disembark' will be called, and after everyone has gotten out of the boat, the boat will pull away from the shore and exit the area.

1. Place a boat in the water, non-playable, named 'InsertBoat"

2. Create a waypoint to the shore as "Transport Unload"

3. Create another waypoint far off from the shore as "Move"

4. Create your team you want as cargo anywhere on the map, out on the water by the boat is fine.

5. In each of the teams init field, put "this MoveInCargo InsertBoat". This places all your team in the boat.

6. Make a "MOVE" waypoint, from the group leader of your team, right beside the "Transport Unload" waypoint you made for you boat.

7 Finally - Syncronize both of these waypoint.


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