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Minimum player count check for bounty mission

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I'm now messing with a bounty system that is part of A3Wasteland.


I want to make the mission check for a minimum number of available players.


Here is the code section that searches for a player:

//select a random player
_players = playableUnits;
_count = count _players;

// Find out how many players are currently alive
_alivePlayerCount = 0;
for "_x" from 0 to (_count - 1) do {
_p = _players select _x;
if (alive _p) then {
_alivePlayerCount = _alivePlayerCount + 1;

if (_alivePlayerCount == 0) exitWith {};

// Keep looping over players until we find an alive one
_finished = 0;
scopeName "main";
while {true} do {
_random = floor(random _count);
_potentialPlayer = _players select _random;

if (alive _potentialPlayer) then {
_foundPlayer = _potentialPlayer;
_finished = 1;

if (_finished == 1) then {breakTo "main"}; // Breaks all scopes and return to "main"
sleep 0.1;

How difficult would it be to build in a check so the minimum number of players must be 3 or more?


There really is no point in running this type of mission when there are less players than that.


Can this line be edited something like this:

if (_alivePlayerCount < 3) exitWith {};

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if ({alive _x} count playableUnits < 3) exitWith {};




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