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Keeping functions in a server side mod

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Im trying to have some of my functions in a server sided mod (started with -servermod=@testmod), but im having trouble calling and or define them. I came as far as having some logging(diag_log format ["fn_init.sqf ran"] ;).


I understood that i might need to be using  addPublicvariableEventhandler but i still don't get it =).


So if someone could walk me thru this one step at a time i would greatly appreciate it.

This far i got in the @testmod folder



class CfgPatches {
	class Testmod {
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgFunctions {
	class Testmod {
		class main {
			file = "\x\addons\testmod\init";
			class init {
			postInit = 1;

and in @testmod\addons\testmod\init\


diag_log format ["fn_init.sqf ran"];
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\testmod\code\fnc_teleport.sqf";

and in @testmod\addons\testmod\code\


fnc_teleport = { 
	onMapSingleClick "vehicle player setPos _pos; onMapSingleClick '';";
	hint "Click on the map to teleport";
publicVariable "fnc_teleport";

Now ofc. this doesn't work when i call it from the client (testing with call fnc_teleport from the console). And im guessing if i want to utilize this in an addAction i guess it wont work either way but as long as i can call it from the console(which it does if i have the function in the mission) im pretty happy =).


So how do i do this properly? and how do i call or spawn it(depending on the function) As you see i never made a @mod but i want to learn and i want to start small otherwise i will never get it but ofc. i want to effectively compile several functions from several scrips. I also if possible want to log which playerUID used each function (admin logging) but i guess that is even more impossible?





I got it working, still don't know if im doing it properly but i hade some of my paths wrong(i edited my post so hopefully it will work for any one trying to do the same).

Edited by cael817

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