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On Going Value Checking

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How would you make a mission end when a certain unit dies anytime through the campaign?

Here is my thought before testing.

Make one huge trigger that covers the entire map, have it activate repeatedly and check if the unit is dead, if so, force the ending.

It would be alot easier if their was a deactivation entry like the init entry for units. This could be ran whenever a units dammage = 1.

I know there are missions that do something like this. I have seen them end when most of your squad dies, etc. Can you help?

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make a unit, give it a name: unitname

Make a trigger, set it to end1 or loose, Activation None.

in the condition field of the trigger type:

!(alive unitname)

!=NOT command

that way, the mission will end when the unitname is not alive.

For entire squads, you have to group them first

in the group leaders init field type

grp_1=group this

make the trigger as above but in the condition field type

WEST CountSide Units grp_1 == 0

or EAST for eastern forces

that way a trigger will activate when number of group members = 0

(Edited by Intruder at 9:20 pm on Dec. 22, 2001)

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Ahh.. see, you helped out ALOT actually. Out of all the scripting things I have read, not one fully conveyed that a trigger could be used like that. That opens up more possibilities in mission building and shortens alot of work.


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