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Impossible to place a road under another

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Hey everyone !

I'm working on the France, and i'm stuck at creating roads. I try to connect smaller road to bigger road than the road joining it but it don't work.

If anyone knows how to fix this I would appreciate it !


My polylines :




Result :



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At the top of TB along to the right is a magnet image, click that to enable it.

Then grab the road you want to join and place it over the other roads vertice, it'll snap, job done :)

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No problem, what i forgot to mention was how to force what goes on top, it's done by order ID, lowest order goes on top


So main road is ID 1

B or minor road is ID 2

Dirt roads can be ID 3


So when you have a B road join a major road, the major road is on top, makes the junction neat and tidy, it's also possible to dupe them, same road but with different ID, so you can force neat junctions/joins.

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Is there a way to use the shapes database, other than ID integer, to force one road over another?  I vaguely remember a tutorial that had more than on column used in the database but now I can't find it.  Thanks!

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