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A question i have been wondering

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Ok, so here is the question, seemings how lately there have been added options to addons like cars being able to open then hood etc. would it at all be possible to just have the same sort of menu to change a vehicles type, say from hellicopter to plane and back and forth.. say.. a harrier, or one of those cool plany things in G-police ^_^

bassically, could it be scripted that once selected in the little actions menu that it can change the vehicles type ( probobly already asked but feasibly I would imagin thins being the only way), I mean.. after seeing scripts changing the game from normal speed and then to slow and back again.. and the GTF mod doing wonders for scripting in the actions menu, I was wondering if it would work.. (I am probobly going to get the simplest of answers here)

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Well, that would interest me too, but I don't want to have such transforming vehicles, I would like to have a better "driving" ability for the planes on their way to the take off..

Or if you just have landed, you "switch" to vehicle mode and you can park the plane in the hangars or so...

But another question comes to my mind...

Are trailers possible?? I have the Idea, that you have parked a tank on a trailer, and of course, there should be a script that the tank on the trailer acts together with the trailer as one object...

Then attach the trailer with the tank to a truck and pull it near the battlefield...

Would be cool for resupply missions... smile.gif

gr4vy falls asleep and dreams of this wink.gif



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Guest BratZ

Sure the movable axis in the models could be used to make a transformer like vehicle,I doubt you could change types (plane,armored,car),With a lot of work in the modeling process

Currently you also could switch vehicles by movepos commands and movein driver and such,using different models.But if the vehicle is driving,it wouldn't be traveling at the same speed until it caught up,Wouldn't look real but you could make it real looking if both vehicles were stopped

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Guest BratZ

I am currently working on a trailer,I have the tracking part all done and it looks so realistic.

I have to make a trailer model as most artillery pieces have the hitch pointing at the ground and no way so far to change the pitch of an object that I know.So models with the proper height is needed.

The trailer will hold and tow any vehicle,the script will be done anytime now(now nearestobject is fixed),the trailer model will take longer.

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it isn't so much the transforming of a vehicle I am interested in.

Like I said for a plane such as the harrier to be able to switch from choppper to plane and back again would be great.

not much needed in the way of model changing ^_^

boy do I wish some one with great scripting knowlage could help me here *hint hint*

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