Col. Ben Sherman 3 Posted August 24, 2015 Hello Bohemia, So recently, I've been working on a ArmA 3 Client based for my upcoming Altis Life Server. However due to the lack of people showing their interest in accually scripting for the server. I therefore decided to check the interested of the client I made for the server. To see if there is any interested at all on Behemia for such a client. If it has a lot of interested I just might release it, haven't yet decided due to this server monitization BS. Anyways I'll give a pref detailed list of what it contains as well as one image of it. -Sincerely -------------------------------------------------------------------- Listed systems: Login Panel/System Admin Panel/SystemIncludes...Search function Whitelisting Admin Histroy (Such as Punishments) Account Details (IP, Alias, Username, Money, Bank, IP-Histroy, Current roleplay name) More might be fixed later on. Mods managementIncludes...Dynamic file patching system. (Currently only supporting one server) Server managementIncludes...Client connect to server. IP, Port, Server offline/online management, PasswordPassword sent to clients when connecting is encrypted, which makes it un-useful for players to know the server password anymore. Unlimited servers can be added. Console PanelRequires authenticationDue to sensative data being output into the console I decided to make sure that only certain people can access it. Offline access is possible. Advanced saving/loading system. Client updated, with automatic updates as well as being abe to force it.Dynamic file patching system Rules tab, dynamic system. Requirments: Apache server (Requires PHP to be installed) MySQL server (Connected to the A3 server) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites