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Evening, morning, afternoon ladies and gents!

I am posting on behalf of my unit, The 1st Battalion of the Parachute Regiment. We are a newly formed unit who have alot to offer anyone who may be interested in joining! We strive to produce a realistic, however, fun and friendly environment while on operations. We conduct operations as closely to British Army standards. With extensive knowledge of the British Armed Forces the operations we conduct are of a high standard.


How do I Join? All you need to do is join the teamspeak server and speak to any of our members who will send you over the application form to which you will fill out. This will then be followed by a conversation following review of your application where we will ask you any questions we may have and of course answer any you do.


Can i join the a friend? Of course you can! We try to keep all groups and friend joining together.


What roles do you have? This depends on if there is availability for that role.

What training is there? We have many training courses however all members will go through a 2 phase training lasting roughly 4 hours. Phase one: Basic combat infantry skills. Phase two: Specialized training (this does not include flying)


If you would like to join hop along to our teamspeak!


Website: Currently under development.

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I'm interested in joining you. I'm from the UK (Leeds) and have time spare on weekends and on an evening.

Played dayz mod for a while before moving on to Arma 3 single player campaign so I do have a basic understanding of the game. I'm looking for some friendly guidance as well as a role play experience, is that what your group is like?

I don't have any real life military experience so any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Many thanks,


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