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Searching Array

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Hi, im basically trying to figure how to search through an array, its pretty simple I think but Im fairly new to scripting and cant really figure it out.


I have an array which contains a classnames/prices for weapons.


base_weapons = [


I then have another script where I want to search if any of the items in the _items array are in the base_weapons array (and the price in the base_weapons is irrelevent here).


_items  = ["arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_F","srifle_GM6_F"];
if (_x in base_weapons) then {whatever};
} forEach _items


This is where the issue is I think, I know that I need to only search the first classname section of the elements in the base_weapons array, so I was thinking 

something like (_x in (base_weapons select 0)), but if I understand correctly this would only search in ["arifle_MXC_F",100] so it wouldnt work, but I want to check the classnames in _items against all the classnames in base_weapons. Maybe trying it in the wrong way im not sure.


Sorry if this isn't explained well, and thanks in advance.


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Two options:

1) fn_transformArray.sqf

This will transform arrays like e.g.

    [string, number],
    [string, number],
    [string, number],


    [string, string, string, ...],
    [number, number, number, ...]

That gives you the advantage of using the "find" and "in" commands on either subarray which makes searches by far faster than with BIS_fnc_findNestedArray, plus you can't use "in" with BIS_fnc_findNestedArray. (Plus, I consider it more handy than BIS_fnc_findNestedElement which is why I created it in the first place.)


2) BIS_fnc_findNestedElement
This has the charme that you don't have to change your array at all. In your case, this:
[base_weapons, "arifle_MX_GL_F"] call BIS_fnc_findNestedArray

will return [2, 0] where 2 is the position of the array where "arifle_MX_GL_F" is in and 0 is the position of that string inside the subarray.

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Thanks very much, ill try this when I get chance later  :)

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Edit: Nevermind, got it working perfectly and just had a simple error as I made a mistake.


I was wondering however, does using 'in' not work as I also tried it and got the error : Error if: Type Number, expected Bool.

_items  = ["arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_F","srifle_GM6_F"];

base_weapons_transformed = [base_weapons,2,false] call fn_transformArray;

if (_x in base_weapons_transformed select 0) then {whatever};
} forEach _items;

 Thanks again for sharing anyway, it works perfectly  :D

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Edit: Nevermind, got it working perfectly and just had a simple error as I made a mistake.


I was wondering however, does using 'in' not work as I also tried it and got the error : Error if: Type Number, expected Bool.

_items  = ["arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_F","srifle_GM6_F"];

base_weapons_transformed = [base_weapons,2,false] call fn_transformArray;

if (_x in base_weapons_transformed select 0) then {whatever};
} forEach _items;


If I execute your code, I get a generic error due to a parantheses issue:


if (_x in (base_weapons_transformed select 0)) then...


But since your error message says "Error if:...", I guess this should fix it anyways.


Thanks again for sharing anyway, it works perfectly :D

I'm glad you like it. :)

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