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Steerable parachute

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I am still toying with the flyable parachute thing, and have made great progress since O2 light was released.  

I have a few questions for anyone who has worked with the flight models in OFP:

Can I adjust everything by the flight model in the addons config.cpp and Geometry LOD?

How does one define a wing?

Is it enough to just place a large flat square at the right angle?

How do I define control-surfaces?

Any idea on how I could lower the stall speed to about 5-10?

Right now I can't get it lower than 30-40.

Is drag modelled at all?

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I'd use the standard parachute and override the flightmodel with a script employing the new setVelocity command. I assume it works for parachutes as they are they sim-type helicopter, and I know it works for helis. A pretty simple phsycis model could be used, so scripting is ok for this.

Then to control it, you need a way of accessing the primary keys with sufficient bandwidth via script. Fortunately this is possible - or was possible in v1.75 - so if it still is, I will be publishing a script to do this soon.


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You normally define things with the memory lod and some fancy czech words. To change the brake speed and all things alike your gonna have to get your mits dirty. Coz u'll need to edit the config file.

btw, the geometry lod should define that the wing is actually there, but it doesn't tell ofp that its a WING, i just says its a strange shape sticking out of your vehicle that will make your plane crash if you happen to hit it into the side of a mountain. biggrin.gif

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I am using the "simulation = airplane" because I want to simulate a square parachute, and I am trying to get it to work completely without scripts. Right now I need a script to survive the landing. I have tried the "sim=helicopter", but the throughsink is just too great.


where can I find out more about those fancy czech words and the memory LOD applied to planes?

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I'd seriously consider a scripted flight model for a parachute. It gives you so many options. I've just checked, and my method for accessing 6 high bandwidth axes of simulated analog control input via script works even better in v1.85. ProSphere coming soon;)


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