magicpanda 19 Posted August 11, 2015 I dug this old script out from Arma 2 and updated a little to work with Arma 3 (show independents as green). I've come to a bit of a road block. I'm trying to work out how to turn it on and off in via radio trigger command. for example in a 30 second burst. Any help greatly appreciated. Bonus points for adding civilian markers instead of just black for everything dead or civ, my failed attempt is commented out :) My On Act: doesn't work nul = execVM "eye.sqf"; sleep 30; EYE_run = false; Here is the script. /* EYE 1.0 Author: Zapat Shows all units on map in a relatively system friendly way. Dot: infantry Rectangle: ground vehicles Triangle: air vehicles Blue: west Red: east Green: Independent Black: civilian OR damaged in movement thus left vehicle Orange: player Yellow: player's team */ //you can turn on and off the EYE by the following Global Variable EYE_run = true; player sideChat "EYE is running"; EYE_targets_obj = []; EYE_markers_str = []; //data handler [] spawn { while {EYE_run} do { sleep 2; EYE_targets_obj = position player nearEntities [["LandVehicle","Air","CAManBase"], 20000]; EYE_targets_str = []; { EYE_targets_str set [count EYE_targets_str, format["%1",_x]]; }foreach EYE_targets_obj; _deleted = EYE_markers_str - EYE_targets_str; { deleteMarker _x; EYE_markers_str = EYE_markers_str - [_x]; }foreach _deleted; }; player sideChat "EYE thread 1 finished" ; }; //visualiser [] spawn { while {EYE_run} do { sleep 0.1; { if (!isNull _x) then { _marker = format["%1",_x]; //create marker if (getMarkerType _marker == "") then { _m = createMarker[_marker,position _x]; _m setMarkerShape "ICON"; if (_x isKindof "CAManBase") then {_m setMarkerType "hd_dot";}; if (_x isKindof "LandVehicle") then {_m setMarkerType "mil_box";}; if (_x isKindof "Air") then {_m setMarkerType "mil_triangle";}; if (side _x == east) then {_m setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR";}; if (side _x == west) then {_m setMarkerColor "ColorBLUFOR";}; if (side _x == Independent) then {_m setMarkerColor "ColorIndependent";}; //if (side _x == Civilian) then {_m setMarkerColor "ColorCivilian";}; if (_x in units group player) then {_m setMarkerColor "ColorYellow";}; if (_x == player) then {_m setMarkerColor "ColorOrange";}; EYE_markers_str set [count EYE_markers_str, _marker]; } //update marker else { _marker setMarkerPos position _x; if (getMarkerColor _marker != "ColorBlack" && (!alive _x || !canMove _x) ) then {_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"}; }; }; }foreach EYE_targets_obj; }; { deleteMarker _x; }foreach EYE_markers_str; player sideChat "EYE thread 2 finished" ; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites