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What are my options for 3D editing?

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I need to meticulously place targets in buildings and etc. What are my options to do so? I would like if there is a way to have a 3D editor that does not require me to load a script through an addon or something.

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Well there is currently only 2 ways of doing it that I know of placing objects in 3D. The first being using BIS functions and the second using MCC built in mission loading/saving function.


Using BIS_fnc_ObjectsGrabber https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_ObjectsGrabber and BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper is more work but definitely worth it. Useful for dynamically placing random compositions etc around map. I am unsure if this will place units as well or only static objects, you will have to test it out.

How to save objects:

Wiki for BIS_fnc_ObjectsGrabber (Found this in a forum somewhere and edited it to fit in with zeus):

File: objectGrabber.sqf

Converts a set of placed objects to an object array for the DynO mapper.
Places this information in the debug output for processing.

_this select 0: position of the anchor point (Array)
_this select 1: size of the covered area (Scalar)
_this select 2: grab object orientation? (Boolean) [default: false]

Ouput text (String)

How to use:

1. Ensure Zeus is activated to your player in the editor.

2. Place an marker on the map where you are going to add the objects and call it "anchor".

3. Start mission, do whatever you want in Zeus and then when your finished place this in the Debug Console:

[getMarkerPos "anchor", 200] call BIS_fnc_objectsGrabber 

4. Create and open a new textfile, or if you have a script editing program create and sqf in your mission folder and name it "zeusComposition" or whatever you want.

5. Do CTRL+V to paste code. You should see something similar to this:

/*Grab data: 
Mission: objectgrab_test 
World: Stratis 
Anchor position: [4210.73, 4857.44] 
Area size: 100 
Using orientation of objects: yes 

["FlagPole_F",[0,0,-0.00663757],45.5765,1,0,[1.06726e-007,0],"","this setdir random 360",true,false], 

6. Rename the extension of the text file to a sqf if you havent already.

7. Save and quit your composition.

How to Load the objects:


File: objectMapper.sqf

Takes an array of data about a dynamic object template and creates the objects.

_this select 0: position of the template - Array [X, Y, Z]
_this select 1: azimuth of the template in degrees - Number 
_this select 2: objects for the template - Array / composition class - String / tag list - Array
_this select 3: (optional) randomizer value (how much chance each object has of being created. 0.0 is 100% chance) - Number

Created objects (Array)

How to use:

1. Execute the following either in the init or however you want to do it:

0 = [getMarkerPos "anchor", 0, call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "zeusComposition.sqf"))] call BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper;

And then you will have all you zeus placed objects spawned. Now I wrote this out of my head and the little I could find on the web so a couple of things might be wrong but thats the base for it.


Second Method is with MCC. Now I wont go into detail regarding this because there is enough resources on the web for yourself to figure it out but here is a basic summary:

1. Load MCC mod.

2. Start new mission in editor and save mission.

3. Go into zeus, place whatever you want.

4. When done, go into save/load function of MCC.

5. Press SAVE all placed objects to notepad or something in the lines of that.

6. Open Txt, save objects in txt.

7. Replace the mission file with the txt file, remember to backup mission file.

8. Start Editor again and ensure everything is where it should be.

9. Do the rest of your mission.

I am sure there are other ways of doing things but these two I have used and both did the job. Just watch out using MCC like this can corrupt the mission file so ensure you always place objects first before creating the rest of your mission.



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MapBuilder or m3editor, both are addon though.

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Well there is currently only 2 ways of doing it that I know of placing objects in 3D. The first being using BIS functions and the second using MCC built in mission loading/saving function.


Using BIS_fnc_ObjectsGrabber https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_ObjectsGrabber and BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper is more work but definitely worth it. Useful for dynamically placing random compositions etc around map. I am unsure if this will place units as well or only static objects, you will have to test it out.

How to save objects:

Wiki for BIS_fnc_ObjectsGrabber (Found this in a forum somewhere and edited it to fit in with zeus):

File: objectGrabber.sqf

Converts a set of placed objects to an object array for the DynO mapper.
Places this information in the debug output for processing.

_this select 0: position of the anchor point (Array)
_this select 1: size of the covered area (Scalar)
_this select 2: grab object orientation? (Boolean) [default: false]

Ouput text (String)

How to use:

1. Ensure Zeus is activated to your player in the editor.

2. Place an marker on the map where you are going to add the objects and call it "anchor".

3. Start mission, do whatever you want in Zeus and then when your finished place this in the Debug Console:

[getMarkerPos "anchor", 200] call BIS_fnc_objectsGrabber 

4. Create and open a new textfile, or if you have a script editing program create and sqf in your mission folder and name it "zeusComposition" or whatever you want.

5. Do CTRL+V to paste code. You should see something similar to this:

/*Grab data: 
Mission: objectgrab_test 
World: Stratis 
Anchor position: [4210.73, 4857.44] 
Area size: 100 
Using orientation of objects: yes 

["FlagPole_F",[0,0,-0.00663757],45.5765,1,0,[1.06726e-007,0],"","this setdir random 360",true,false], 

6. Rename the extension of the text file to a sqf if you havent already.

7. Save and quit your composition.

How to Load the objects:


File: objectMapper.sqf

Takes an array of data about a dynamic object template and creates the objects.

_this select 0: position of the template - Array [X, Y, Z]
_this select 1: azimuth of the template in degrees - Number 
_this select 2: objects for the template - Array / composition class - String / tag list - Array
_this select 3: (optional) randomizer value (how much chance each object has of being created. 0.0 is 100% chance) - Number

Created objects (Array)

How to use:

1. Execute the following either in the init or however you want to do it:

0 = [getMarkerPos "anchor", 0, call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "zeusComposition.sqf"))] call BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper;

And then you will have all you zeus placed objects spawned. Now I wrote this out of my head and the little I could find on the web so a couple of things might be wrong but thats the base for it.


Second Method is with MCC. Now I wont go into detail regarding this because there is enough resources on the web for yourself to figure it out but here is a basic summary:

1. Load MCC mod.

2. Start new mission in editor and save mission.

3. Go into zeus, place whatever you want.

4. When done, go into save/load function of MCC.

5. Press SAVE all placed objects to notepad or something in the lines of that.

6. Open Txt, save objects in txt.

7. Replace the mission file with the txt file, remember to backup mission file.

8. Start Editor again and ensure everything is where it should be.

9. Do the rest of your mission.

I am sure there are other ways of doing things but these two I have used and both did the job. Just watch out using MCC like this can corrupt the mission file so ensure you always place objects first before creating the rest of your mission.



First one didn't seemed to work.

And MCC, like I said I don't want to have to load in text at the beginning of mission but I found other solutions like X-Cam or MapBuilder.

Thanks though.

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I see I forgot to save the orientation of the object: Grabber should read: [getMarkerPos "anchor", 200, true] call BIS_fnc_objectsGrabber

Nevertheless, glad you where able to get something to satisfy your needs.

Regarding MCC, you dont need to load it constantly. Just replace the content of your mission with that of the text file.

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Let me note that Bohemia has more than once confirmed that they are going to have an official and regularly-available (unlike the above workaround) 3D editor, they just don't have an ETA on it.

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What I normally do is a bit of a cross between a mod called MCC Sandbox and Zeus. I use MCC Sandbox mod for the sole reason of it allows you to save everything that is placed (by zeus and or the MCC Sandbox itself) to a SQM file. I normally then use Zeus to place my objects in buildings and at certain heights and etc.

On most if not all of my missions that I have worked on and uploaded to the workshop have utilized MCC Sandbox to save it and Zeus to place the objects, using Zeus also allows you to place certain objects you cannot in default editor (ie, Houses, Military Buildings, and etc).

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they just don't have an ETA on it.


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