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New Terrain: Switzerland, Mesocco (San Bernadino)

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Im currently in the early steps of making a new Arma 3 Terrain which is located in Switzerland, Mesocco. (With the San Bernadino Pass...pretty long tunnel though)

Im planning to create all buildings by myself, got the first two already (Look for the pictures). I got some questions about it...

Now to my questions about it:

1. Is it possible to make the tunnel which is located there?

2. How to add ladders to your own models?

3. How to add a damage model to your models (Buildings)

3. Probably some dumb error but im not able to get my Textures InGame (Only Model shows up - White - Look for the pictures) Hope someone can help me with this...

PICTURES: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4Q_EDBuXZnIfkZOTHRraTVsV21sVWRMeTk1VWZ4dDNyaTFOZUQ5Nzl3TlJHNkl5U1VXYzA&usp=sharing

You may ask why this location?!...



- It has a long tunnel which i think would be great for a Map

- It has 2 lakes with dams.

- Nothing compareable to this terrain exists.

- It has some valleys with towns.

- Forests and a lot of open fields (Up on the mountains)!

- SNOW on the mountains!

- Great for infantry, tactical combat!

MfG. Benno

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San Bernardino! My motorcycle playground :)

1. Is it possible to make the tunnel which is located there?

Yes, that would be a fake tunnel though. Build it at ground level and cover it up with rock objects to "fake" a mountain

2. How to add ladders to your own models?

Model the ladder, then create two vertices in the memory lod and name each one selection as start or end (if you have multiple ladders, 2nd one goes to start2 etc). Then in the config define your ladder pair points:


3. How to add a damage model to your models (Buildings)

Create the damaged version of your p3d, define hit points on the main one and link the two in the config.

3. Probably some dumb error but im not able to get my Textures InGame (Only Model shows up - White - Look for the pictures) Hope someone can help me with this...

Pretty difficult without seeing the mlod and all related rvmats/textures

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