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Chernarus + Takistan

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Script replacement houses in Chernarus on takistani.

Chose not wholesalee houses and framed roughly the same size.

Fact, but no loss in fps neither on the client nor on the server. Approximately 1600 turns of objects.

There are certainly all sorts of minor flaws in the balance, but it is a trifle in comparison with what Chernarus now playable!


KK_fnc_inString = {
Author: Killzone_Kid

Find a string within a string (case insensitive)

_this select 0: <string> string to be found
_this select 1: <string> string to search in

Boolean (true when string is found)

How to use:
_found = ["needle", "Needle in Haystack"] call KK_fnc_inString;

private ["_needle","_haystack","_needleLen","_hay","_found"];
_needle = _this select 0; 
_haystack = toArray (_this select 1); 
_needleLen = count toArray _needle;
_hay = +_haystack;
_hay resize _needleLen;
_found = false;
for "_i" from _needleLen to count _haystack do {
	if (toString _hay == _needle) exitWith {_found = true};
	_hay set [_needleLen, _haystack select _i];
	_hay set [0, "x"];
	_hay = _hay - ["x"]

if (isServer) then 
FFA_OPENHOUSE = [/*"MAP_dum_mesto2","MAP_sara_stodola","MAP_stodola_old_open","mbg_brickhouse_01_EO","mbg_brickhouse_02_EO","mbg_brickhouse_03_EO","Land_MBG_GER_RHUS_1","Land_MBG_GER_RHUS_3","Land_MBG_GER_RHUS_4","Land_MBG_GER_RHUS_5",

if (worldName == "chernarus") then 
	FFA_LHOUSEV=nearestObjects [getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"),["house"],15000];
	for "_i" from 0 to (count FFA_LHOUSEV)-1 do
		_housev=FFA_LHOUSEV select _i;
		if ((["Land_HouseV_",str (typeof _housev)] call KK_fnc_inString) || {(["Land_HouseV2_",str (typeof _housev)] call KK_fnc_inString)}) then 
			FFA_HOUSES set [count FFA_HOUSES,_housev];
	for "_i" from 0 to (count FFA_HOUSES)-1 do
		_nBuilding =FFA_HOUSES select _i;
		_dirVector = vectorDir _nBuilding;
		_objVector = vectorUp _nBuilding;
		_pos = getposatl _nBuilding;
		_nBuilding hideObject true;
		_type= FFA_OPENHOUSE select (floor random (count FFA_OPENHOUSE));
		_house = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
		_house setVectorDirAndUp [ _dirVector, _objVector];
FFA_LHOUSEV resize 0;
FFA_HOUSES resize 0;

if(!isServer || local player)then
waitUntil{alive player};
waitUntil{local player};
if (worldName == "chernarus") then 
	FFA_CHOUSEV=nearestObjects [getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"),["house"],15000];
	for "_i" from 0 to (count FFA_CHOUSEV)-1 do
		_housev=FFA_CHOUSEV select _i;
		if ((["Land_HouseV_",str (typeof _housev)] call KK_fnc_inString) || {(["Land_HouseV2_",str (typeof _housev)] call KK_fnc_inString)}) then 
			_housev hideObject true;
	FFA_CHOUSEV resize 0; 

mission example

Edited by Dimon
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#1 Update: update code


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version 2 script

Take into account the wishes of the fans of visual harmony - picked a building more suited to the atmosphere of the island.

Went through all model building in size, become as whether there are any defects.

if (isServer) then 
_box2=[["Land_HouseV_3I3","Land_HouseV_3I1","Land_HouseV_3I4","Land_HouseV_3I2","Land_HouseV_1L1"],["Land_cihlovej_dum_in","Land_bouda2_vnitrek" ,"Land_hruzdum","Land_smd_cihlovej_dum_mini"]];

if (worldName == "chernarus") then 
		_FFA_LHOUSEV=nearestObjects [getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"),["house"],15000];
	for "_i" from 0 to (count _FFA_LHOUSEV)-1 do
		_housev=_FFA_LHOUSEV select _i;
		if ((typeof _housev) in FFA_CLOSEHOUSE) then 
			_FFA_HOUSES set [count _FFA_HOUSES,_housev];

	for "_i" from 0 to (count _FFA_HOUSES)-1 do
		_nBuilding =_FFA_HOUSES select _i;
		_dirVector = vectorDir _nBuilding;
		_objVector = vectorUp _nBuilding;
		_pos = ASLtoATL getPosASL _nBuilding;
		_nBuilding hideObject true;

			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box1 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box1 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box1 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box2 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box2 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box2 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box3 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box3 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box3 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box4 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box4 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box4 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box5 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box5 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box5 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box6 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box6 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box6 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box7 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box7 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box7 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box8 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box8 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box8 select 1)));};
		_house = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
		_house setVectorDirAndUp [ _dirVector, _objVector];

if(!isServer || local player)then
waitUntil{alive player};
waitUntil{local player};
	if (worldName == "chernarus") then 
	_FFA_CHOUSEV=nearestObjects [getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"),["house"],15000];
	for "_i" from 0 to (count _FFA_CHOUSEV)-1 do
		_housev=_FFA_CHOUSEV select _i;
		if ((typeof _housev) in FFA_CLOSEHOUSE) then 
			_housev hideObject true;

http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2015/0402/86/a656b7cba0e0b27fb4b309719bd10786.jpg (435 kB)

http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2015/0402/c2/936b856f854431f7c421e063637256c2.jpg (288 kB)

http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2015/0402/36/4a5078ca7ad5ac9ef524294262313e36.jpg (396 kB)

mission example

Edited by Dimon

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2.1 Update


http://i57.fastpic.ru/big/2015/0402/f6/b8f582348e9d7e11229ebd775c6299f6.jpeg (157 kB)


if (isServer) then 
_box2=[["Land_HouseV_3I3","Land_HouseV_3I1","Land_HouseV_3I4","Land_HouseV_3I2","Land_HouseV_1L1"],["Land_cihlovej_dum_in","Land_bouda2_vnitrek" ,"Land_hruzdum","Land_smd_cihlovej_dum_mini"]];

if (worldName == "chernarus") then 
		_FFA_LHOUSEV=nearestObjects [getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"),["house"],15000];
	for "_i" from 0 to (count _FFA_LHOUSEV)-1 do
		_housev=_FFA_LHOUSEV select _i;
		if ((typeof _housev) in FFA_CLOSEHOUSE) then 
			_FFA_HOUSES set [count _FFA_HOUSES,_housev];

	for "_i" from 0 to (count _FFA_HOUSES)-1 do
		_nBuilding =_FFA_HOUSES select _i;
		_dirVector = vectorDir _nBuilding;
		_objVector = vectorUp _nBuilding;
		_pos = ASLtoATL getPosASL _nBuilding;
		_nBuilding hideObject true;

			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box1 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box1 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box1 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box2 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box2 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box2 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box3 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box3 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box3 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box4 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box4 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box4 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box5 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box5 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box5 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box6 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box6 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box6 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box7 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box7 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box7 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box8 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box8 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box8 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box9 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box9 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box9 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box10 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box10 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box10 select 1)));};
		_house = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
		_house setVectorDirAndUp [ _dirVector, _objVector];
		if ((typeof _house) in (_box9 select 1)) then {_house setdir ((getdir _nBuilding)+90);};

if(!isServer || local player)then
waitUntil{alive player};
waitUntil{local player};
	if (worldName == "chernarus") then 
	_FFA_CHOUSEV=nearestObjects [getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"),["house"],15000];
	for "_i" from 0 to (count _FFA_CHOUSEV)-1 do
		_housev=_FFA_CHOUSEV select _i;
		if ((typeof _housev) in FFA_CLOSEHOUSE) then 
			_housev hideObject true;

Edited by Dimon

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Getting a few errors replacing some buildings, I think it's because they're not part of AiA TP, overall though this is awesome, the replacement buildings fit well :)

9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle land_mbg_brickhouse_01,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle land_mbg_brickhouse_03,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle land_mbg_brickhouse_03,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_mbg_companybuilding_1,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_smd_budova3_open,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle land_mbg_brickhouse_01,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_MBG_GER_HUS_1,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_smd_budova3_open,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_smd_cihlovej_dum_mini,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_MBG_GER_HUS_2,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_smd_budova3_open,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_smd_cihlovej_dum_mini,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_smd_hospoda_mesto,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle land_mbg_brickhouse_01,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_smd_budova3_open,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_smd_cihlovej_dum_mini,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle land_mbg_brickhouse_01,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_smd_cihlovej_dum_mini,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_smd_cihlovej_dum_mini,
 9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_MBG_ATC_Base,
9:34:19 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_smd_hospoda_mesto,

Can i ask what array defines the buildings that are hidden ? so i could add some to remove but without replacing.

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Can i ask what array defines the buildings that are hidden ? so i could add some to remove but without replacing.

in the first embodiment, the array was determined by the name classname

if ((["Land_HouseV_",str (typeof _housev)] call KK_fnc_inString) || {(["Land_HouseV2_",str (typeof _housev)] call KK_fnc_inString)}) then 

in the second version I did everything manually - each building was checked.

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The MBG buildings are a seperate addon, that is why nothing loads and produces the error, I'm running only AiA TP

It's no biggie, I can always swap them, still a very cool idea.

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The MBG buildings are a seperate addon, that is why nothing loads and produces the error, I'm running only AiA TP

It's no biggie, I can always swap them, still a very cool idea.

Yes, these buildings are taken from different Islands (Sahrani, Celle...), since we use an Assembly where all these Islands included - without this, alas, no way.

For the fact that at least some compensation for Chernarus+ :)

---------- Post added at 14:38 ---------- Previous post was at 13:23 ----------

2.2 Update

http://i57.fastpic.ru/big/2015/0402/fa/27d14c189ce651bacdba5f626e3366fa.jpg (240 kB)

if (isServer) then 
fnc_bridgeA2 = {
	private ["_start","_obj"];
	_start = createVehicle [
		_this select 2,
		_this select 0,
	_start setVectorUp [0,0,1];
	_start setDir (_this select 1);
	_start setPosATL (_this select 0);
	for "_i" from 1 to (_this select 3) do {
		_obj = createVehicle [
			_this select 2,
			_this select 0,
		_obj attachTo [_start, [
			_i*(_this select 4),
			_i*(_this select 5),
			_i*(_this select 6)
_box2=[["Land_HouseV_3I3","Land_HouseV_3I1","Land_HouseV_3I4","Land_HouseV_3I2","Land_HouseV_1L1"],["Land_cihlovej_dum_in","Land_bouda2_vnitrek" ,"Land_hruzdum","Land_smd_cihlovej_dum_mini"]];

if (worldName == "chernarus") then 
		_FFA_LHOUSEV=nearestObjects [getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"),["house"],15000];
	for "_i" from 0 to (count _FFA_LHOUSEV)-1 do
		_housev=_FFA_LHOUSEV select _i;
		if ((typeof _housev) in FFA_CLOSEHOUSE) then 
			_FFA_HOUSES set [count _FFA_HOUSES,_housev];

	for "_i" from 0 to (count _FFA_HOUSES)-1 do
		_nBuilding =_FFA_HOUSES select _i;
		_dirVector = vectorDir _nBuilding;
		_objVector = vectorUp _nBuilding;
		_pos = ASLtoATL getPosASL _nBuilding;
		_nBuilding hideObject true;

			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box1 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box1 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box1 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box2 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box2 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box2 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box3 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box3 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box3 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box4 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box4 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box4 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box5 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box5 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box5 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box6 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box6 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box6 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box7 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box7 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box7 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box8 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box8 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box8 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box9 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box9 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box9 select 1)));};
			if ((typeof _nBuilding) in (_box10 select 0)) exitwith {_type=(_box10 select 1) select (floor random (count (_box10 select 1)));};
		_house = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
		_house setVectorDirAndUp [ _dirVector, _objVector];
		if ((typeof _house) in (_box9 select 1)) then {_house setdir ((getdir _nBuilding)+90);};
	] call fnc_bridgeA2;		

if(!isServer || local player)then
waitUntil{alive player};
waitUntil{local player};
	if (worldName == "chernarus") then 
	_FFA_CHOUSEV=nearestObjects [getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"),["house"],15000];
	for "_i" from 0 to (count _FFA_CHOUSEV)-1 do
		_housev=_FFA_CHOUSEV select _i;
		if ((typeof _housev) in FFA_CLOSEHOUSE) then 
			_housev hideObject true;

Edited by Dimon

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---------- Post added at 11:20 ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 ----------

2.3 Update
Replaced by wholesalee:
1. All detached buildings.
2. All sheds.
3. The containers.
4. Church.
5. The sawmill.
6. The barracks.
7. Lesniki tower.
9. Some industrial buildings.
Bugfix with attachments on the client in MP.

script 2.3
script 2.3 lite
script 2.3 very lite Edited by Dimon

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I'm surprised.

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