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Night Sky graphical glitch. Washed out colors

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I have been having this problem for many years on current PC and all this time I dismissed it as the way RV engine renders graphics. I've had it in OFP, Arma 1, Arma 2 and now Arma 3. I always thought this is some legacy problem that all RV games have since I don't have this kind of glitch on other games. So now I decided to check with other people and it turns out I'm the only one experiencing Arma in this ugly way :D

During evening, night or early morning the sky has all kinds of spots and stripes with washed out colors.

I've had same issue after reformating entire HDD and reinstalling OS, drivers and Arma 3. I've changed every single setting in control panel and Arma (from lowest to Ultra). Changed brightness and gamma both in Arma 3 and OS/monitor. While lowering Gamma makes it less visible I can still see it.

I have a feeling this is a GPU issue and I'm afraid it's unfixable but perhaps someone knows exactly what this is and maybe there's a way to fix it.

Thank you


CPU:Q9400 @ 3 GHz

GPU: GTX 285 1GB

RAM: 4 GB DDR2 800 MHz

700W PSU



Operation Flashpoint has a simiral issue but maybe it's just the default graphical fidelity of the old game. In Arma 2 it was much more visible.


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Has been like that always. The sky has those lines and then there are those ugly vignette effect lines.

But I'm not sure what you mean by washed out colors? Do you mean it's lacking of colors or just that it looks like it's painted without blending (so there are those lines)? Or you just don't like the light blue/purple & dark blue palette?

Edited by St. Jimmy

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Really? Well then this is a waste of forum space. Sorry about that. I sent this picture to my clan mates and they assured me that that's a graphical bug of some sort. Maybe I have gamma or brightness too high than I should so I notice it more than other people.

It's difficult to describe. There are some spots and parts of those lines where colors don't blend in like they should. It's like parts of the dark scene lose detail. Messed up blacks or something. Maybe less colors than there should be. Anyway the biggest thing are those lines.

Well thanks for clearing that up. Looks like I don't have to fix anything and try to appreciate this uglyness :D

Damm Arma really hasn't changed underneath. For better or worse still same OFP with same issues and same good stuff. Really makes you love/ hate it :D

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