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Training Program & PvP Event for ~5 ArmA Community Members - LaggyGamerz

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Hello All! LaggyGamerz is hosting a PvP event with Russian Resistance. As this is our first big event in quite some time we've begun organizing an intense training program, catered to a casual but serious group, to get our members ready for the tactical demands of playing in a platoon-sized group. Though we are expecting a strong turnout from our own members we're very interested bringing in some fresh faces from the community. I believe this would be a great opportunity for any player who's looking to enhance their gameplay in ArmA but don't want to commit themselves to a group or are looking to try out a group that they'd be interested in joining. Either way, LGz is a mature community with a history of great organization and friendly environments that's always been a pleasure to be a part of for myself.


The event planned is a casual PvP infantry-only battle between LGz and Russian Resistance. The scenario will most likely be A&D (Attack and Defend) with one team defending and the other attacking. Both teams will be able to play as either side at least once. The current expected turnout is between 20-30 players for each side and the tentative date is April 18, 2015 during the evening in Europe and afternoon in America.


LGz will have mandatory training sessions before the event. If you can commit to attending these training sessions, this would be a great opportunity to improve your tactical knowledge, meet some new people, and have a great time in ArmA. Once we've closed the roll call period we will start sign ups for specific fireteam roles on a first-come, first-served basis. Note, most leadership roles have already been assigned.

A. Requirements:

The Community Recruit requirements to participate in training and the event are as follows.

  • Must have ArmA 3 and be able to run it at a playable framerate.
  • Must be mature and willing to comply with the event organization guidelines.
  • Must have a microphone and TeamSpeak on the same machine that you will play ArmA on.
  • Must be able to commit to dates and times.

You do NOT need:

  • ArmA or FPS experience.
  • Military background or knowledge.

B. Training:

The training phase will consist of two parts: Reading from the ArmA 3 Tactical Guide and attending in-game training sessions. We will do our best to schedule the training events during times when most people are available with make-up sessions for the remaining members. Once the training sessions start, the LGz server will be dedicated to allowing all event participants to jump in at any time and practice further. Fireteam leaders will organize extra team-building sessions with their teams as well. As such, we will only recruit players who are serious and can dedicate the next month to this PvP event. Our promise to you is that we will do our best to compact the training program and keep it fun.

C. Sign-Up:

Sign-up for our community participants will be done a bit differently from the LGz members. I will send out invites to individual responses via PM with further instructions on how to reserve a player slot. Invites will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to the nature of the event we will be finalizing player slots on March 10, so get in as soon as you can! If you have any questions feel free to PM me on this forum or leave your question in this thread.

Edited by Scroll_Tro0L

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