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Sound Config help needed

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I'm trying to make a weapon pack, and i got my gun in game, but there was no sound. I have custom sounds and their paths in the config but they won't work. I could use help with this sound issue, and just configs in general if anybody would like to help. Thanks

My config.cpp as it is now

class CfgPatches {

class tb_arifle_m1carbine {
	requiredaddons = {};
	requiredversion = 0.100000;
	units = {};
	weapons = {"boss_m1carbine"};
	magazines = {"tb_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag", "tb_30Rnd_556x45_T_Stanag"};
/*extern*/ class Mode_SemiAuto;
/*extern*/ class Mode_Burst;

class CfgWeapons {

class boss_m1carbine_base {
	access = 3;
	afmax = 0;
	aidispersioncoefx = 4;
	aidispersioncoefy = 5;
	airateoffire = 0.500000;
	airateoffiredistance = 500;
	ammo = "";
	autofire = 1;
	autoreload = 0;
	backgroundreload = 0;
	ballisticscomputer = 0;
	bullet1 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\metal_762_01.wav", 0.100000, 1, 15};
	bullet10 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\grass_762_02.wav", 0.010000, 1, 15};
	bullet11 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\grass_762_03.wav", 0.010000, 1, 15};
	bullet12 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\grass_762_04.wav", 0.010000, 1, 15};
	bullet2 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\metal_762_02.wav", 0.100000, 1, 15};
	bullet3 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\metal_762_03.wav", 0.177828, 1, 15};
	bullet4 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\metal_762_04.wav", 0.177828, 1, 15};
	bullet5 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\dirt_762_01.wav", 0.100000, 1, 15};
	bullet6 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\dirt_762_02.wav", 0.100000, 1, 15};
	bullet7 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\dirt_762_03.wav", 0.100000, 1, 15};
	bullet8 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\dirt_762_04.wav", 0.100000, 1, 15};
	bullet9 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\7_62\grass_762_01.wav", 0.010000, 1, 15};
	candrop = 1;
	canlock = 0;
	canshootinwater = 0;
	cartridgepos = "nabojnicestart";
	cartridgevel = "nabojniceend";
	count = 0;
	cursor = "arifle";
	cursoraim = "CursorAim";
	cursoraimon = "";
	cursorsize = 1;
	cmimmunity = 1;
	descriptionshort = "Carbine<br />Caliber: .30 cal";
	detectrange = 0;
	dexterity = 1.640000;
	discretedistance = {100, 300, 400, 600, 800};
	discretedistanceinitindex = 1;
	dispersion = 0.000100;
	displayname = "M1 Carbine";
	disposableweapon = 0;
	distancezoommax = 300;
	distancezoommin = 300;
	drysound = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\other\dry7.wav", 0.010000, 1};
	emptysound = {"", 1, 1};
	enableattack = 1;
	ffcount = 3;
	fffrequency = 11;
	ffmagnitude = 0.500000;
	fireanims = {};
	firelightduration = 0.050000;
	firelightintensity = 0.012000;
	firespreadangle = "3.0f";
	flash = "gunfire";
	flashsize = 0.500000;
	forceoptics = 0;
	handanim = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "boss_m1carbine\anim\m1carbine.rtm"};
	hiddenselections = {};
	hiddenselectionstextures = {};
	hiddenunderwaterselections = {};
	hiddenunderwaterselectionstextures = {};
	htmax = 600;
	htmin = 1;
	initspeed = 0;
	irdistance = 0;
	irdotintensity = 0.001000;
	irlaserend = "laser dir";
	irlaserpos = "laser pos";
	laser = 0;
	lockacquire = 1;
	lockedtargetsound = {"\A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 0.000316, 6};
	lockingtargetsound = {"\A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 0.000316, 2};
	magazinereloadtime = 0;
	magazines = {"tb_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag", "tb_30Rnd_556x45_T_Stanag"};
	maxleadspeed = 23;
	maxrange = 500;
	maxrangeprobab = 0.040000;
	maxrecoilsway = 0.008000;
	memorypointcamera = "eye";
	mfact = 1;
	mfmax = 0;
	midrange = 150;
	midrangeprobab = 0.580000;
	minrange = 1;
	minrangeprobab = 0.300000;
	model = "boss_m1carbine\m1carbine";
	modelmagazine = "";
	modeloptics = "-";
	modelspecial = "";
	modes = {"Single", "Burst"};
	multiplier = 1;
	muzzleend = "konec hlavne";
	muzzlepos = "usti hlavne";
	muzzles = {"this"};
	namesound = "rifle";
	optics = 0;
	opticsdisableperipherialvision = 0.670000;
	opticsflare = 0;
	opticsid = 0;
	opticsppeffects = {};
	opticszoominit = 0.750000;
	opticszoommax = 1.100000;
	opticszoommin = 0.375000;
	picture = "\tb_arifle_m1carbine\UI\gear_tb_arifle_m1carbine_x_ca";
	primary = 10;
	recoil = "assaultRifleBase";
	recoilprone = "assaultRifleBase";
	reloadaction = "GestureReloadEBR";
	reloadmagazinesound = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\reloads\new_trg.wav", 0.100000, 1, 30};
	reloadsound = {"", 1, 1};
	reloadtime = 0.150000;
	scope = 0;
	selectionfireanim = "zasleh";
	showaimcursorinternal = 1;
	showempty = 1;
	shownunderwaterselections = {};
	showswitchaction = 0;
	showtoplayer = 1;
	simulation = "Weapon";
	sound = {};
	soundbegin = {"sound", 1};
	soundbeginwater = {"sound", 1};
	soundbullet = {"bullet1", 0.083000, "bullet2", 0.083000, "bullet3", 0.083000, "bullet4", 0.083000, "bullet5", 0.083000, "bullet6", 0.083000, "bullet7", 0.083000, "bullet8", 0.083000, "bullet9", 0.083000, "bullet10", 0.083000, "bullet11", 0.083000, "bullet12", 0.083000};
	soundburst = 1;
	soundclosure = {"sound", 1};
	soundcontinuous = 0;
	soundend = {"sound", 1};
	soundloop = {"sound", 1};
	swaydecayspeed = 2;
	tbody = 100;
	texturetype = "default";
	type = 1;
	uipicture = "\A3\weapons_f\data\UI\icon_regular_CA.paa";
	useaction = 0;
	useactiontitle = "";
	useasbinocular = 0;
	usemodeloptics = 1;
	value = 4;
	weaponinfotype = "RscWeaponZeroing";
	weaponlockdelay = 0;
	weaponlocksystem = 0;
	weaponpoolavailable = 1;
	weaponsoundeffect = "";
	weight = 0;

	class Library {
		libtextdesc = "The UMP has been adopted by various agencies such as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Heckler & Koch developed the UMP as a lighter and cheaper successor to the MP5, though both remain in production.";

	class GunClouds {
		access = 0;
		cloudletaccy = 0;
		cloudletalpha = 0.300000;
		cloudletanimperiod = 1;
		cloudletcolor = {1, 1, 1, 0};
		cloudletduration = 0.050000;
		cloudletfadein = 0;
		cloudletfadeout = 0.100000;
		cloudletgrowup = 0.050000;
		cloudletmaxyspeed = 100;
		cloudletminyspeed = -100;
		cloudletshape = "cloudletClouds";
		cloudletsize = 1;
		deltat = 0;
		initt = 0;
		interval = -0.020000;
		size = 0.300000;
		sourcesize = 0.020000;
		timetolive = 0;

		class Table {

			class T0 {
				color = {1, 1, 1, 0};
				maxt = 0;

	class WeaponSlotsInfo {
		allowedslots = {901};
		mass = 4;

		class MuzzleSlot {
			access = 1;
			compatibleitems = {"muzzle_snds_L"};
			displayname = "Muzzle Slot";
			linkproxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\MUZZLE";
			scope = 0;

		class CowsSlot {
			access = 1;
			compatibleitems = {"optic_Arco", "optic_aco", "optic_ACO_grn", "optic_hamr", "optic_Holosight"};
			displayname = "Optics Slot";
			linkproxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\TOP";
			scope = 0;

		class PointerSlot {

	class GunParticles {

		class FirstEffect {
			directionname = "Usti hlavne";
			effectname = "RifleAssaultCloud";
			positionname = "Konec hlavne";

	class Single: Mode_SemiAuto {
		aidispersioncoefx = 1.400000;
		aidispersioncoefy = 1.700000;
		airateoffire = 2;
		airateoffiredistance = 500;
		artillerycharge = 1;
		artillerydispersion = 1;
		autofire = 0;
		begin1 = {"tb_arifle_m1carbine\sound\UMPfiring1.wav", 1, 1, 1300};
		begin2 = {"tb_arifle_m1carbine\sound\UMPfiring2.wav", 1, 1, 1300};
		burst = 1;
		canshootinwater = 0;
		closure1 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_2.wav", 3.162280, 1, 500};
		closure2 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_3.wav", 3.162280, 1, 500};
		dispersion = 0.000930;
		displayname = "Semi";
		ffcount = 1;
		fffrequency = 11;
		ffmagnitude = 0.500000;
		flash = "gunfire";
		flashsize = 0.100000;
		maxrange = 500;
		maxrangeprobab = 0.200000;
		midrange = 250;
		midrangeprobab = 0.700000;
		minrange = 2;
		minrangeprobab = 0.300000;
		multiplier = 1;
		recoil = "recoil_single_trg";
		recoilprone = "recoil_single_prone_trg";
		reloadtime = 0.065000;
		requiredoptictype = -1;
		showtoplayer = 1;
		sound = {"", 10, 1};
		soundbegin = {"begin1", 0.500000, "begin2", 0.500000};
		soundbeginwater = {"sound", 1};
		soundburst = 0;
		soundclosure = {"closure1", 0.500000, "closure2", 0.500000};
		soundcontinuous = 0;
		soundend = {};
		soundloop = {};
		texturetype = "semi";
		useaction = 0;
		useactiontitle = "";
		weaponsoundeffect = "DefaultRifle";

	class Burst: Mode_Burst {
		aidispersioncoefx = 2;
		aidispersioncoefy = 3;
		airateoffire = "1e-006";
		airateoffiredistance = 500;
		artillerycharge = 1;
		artillerydispersion = 1;
		autofire = 0;
		begin1 = {"tb_arifle_m1carbine\sound\UMPfiring1.wav", 1, 1, 1200};
		begin2 = {"tb_arifle_m1carbine\sound\UMPfiring2.wav", 1, 1, 1200};
		burst = 3;
		canshootinwater = 0;
		closure1 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_2.wav", 3.162280, 1, 500};
		closure2 = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_3.wav", 3.162280, 1, 500};
		dispersion = 0.000930;
		displayname = "Burst";
		ffcount = 1;
		fffrequency = 11;
		ffmagnitude = 0.500000;
		flash = "gunfire";
		flashsize = 0.100000;
		maxrange = 30;
		maxrangeprobab = 0.050000;
		midrange = 15;
		midrangeprobab = 0.700000;
		minrange = 0;
		minrangeprobab = 0.900000;
		multiplier = 1;
		recoil = "recoil_auto_trg";
		recoilprone = "recoil_auto_prone_trg";
		reloadtime = 0.070000;
		requiredoptictype = -1;
		showtoplayer = 1;
		sound = {"", 10, 1};
		soundbegin = {"begin1", 0.500000, "begin2", 0.500000};
		soundbeginwater = {"sound", 1};
		soundburst = 0;
		soundclosure = {"closure1", 0.500000, "closure2", 0.500000};
		soundcontinuous = 0;
		soundend = {"sound", 1};
		soundloop = {};
		texturetype = "burst";
		useaction = 0;
		useactiontitle = "";
		weaponsoundeffect = "DefaultRifle";

class tb_arifle_m1carbine: tb_arifle_m1carbine_base {
	scope = 2;

class CfgMagazines {
/*extern*/ class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag;

class tb_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag: 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag {
	ammo = "TB_556x45_Ball";
	count = 30;
	descriptionshort = ".Caliber: 30 caliber M1 Mag<br />Rounds: 30<br />Used in: M1 Carbine";
	displayname = ".30 cal 30rnd M1 Mag (Ball)";
	initspeed = 930;
	lastroundstracer = 0;
	picture = "\tb_arifle_m1carbine\UI\gear_m1carbine_mag_ca";
	model = "tb_arifle_m1carbine\m1carbine_mag";
	scope = 2;
	tracersevery = 0;

class tb_30Rnd_556x45_T_Stanag: tb_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag {
	ammo = "TB_556x45_Tracer";
	descriptionshort = ".30 caliber M1 Mag<br />Rounds: 30<br />Used in: M1 Carbine";
	displayname = ".30 cal 30rnd M1 Mag (Tracer)";
	lastroundstracer = 0;
	scope = 2;
	tracersevery = 1;

class CfgAmmo {
/*extern*/ class B_556x45_Ball;

class TB_556x45_Ball: B_556x45_Ball {
	airfriction = -0.001425;
	caliber = 0.500000;
	cost = 1;
	deflecting = 20;
	hit = 8;
	indirecthit = 0;
	indirecthitrange = 0;
	model = "\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red";
	nvgonly = 1;
	tracerendtime = 1;
	tracerscale = 1;
	tracerstarttime = 0.050000;

class TB_556x45_Tracer: TB_556x45_Ball {
	airfriction = -0.001425;
	caliber = 0.400000;
	model = "\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red";
	nvgonly = 0;
	tracerendtime = 1.400000;
	tracerscale = 1;
	tracerstarttime = 0.060000;

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