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Help with config.cpp for custom texture

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So I have been dealing with this issue for a day now and for the absolute life of me I can not figure out how or why it isn't working.

Here is my proccess.

1. Create the config.cpp file for my custom texture. See below for the file.

2. Convert config.cpp to .bin using the ArmA 3 Tools convertor.

3. Build addon using the ArmA 3 Addon Builder.

4. Load mod into game and I always get the same error. Error is "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/(((see step 5))).scpope'."

5. Whatever the first class that is defined under the class CfgVehicles will show after the bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ part.

I have looked in the config.cpp file for the base U_I_HeliPilotCoveralls class and everything is defined as it should. I have also downloaded several other mods that add retextured units and compared the files and to my knowledge I am doing everything right. Any help at all would be great.

Here is my config.cpp

class CfgPatches
class SMU_Units
	author[] = {"Ma77h3hac83r"};
	authorUrl = "https://project-nova.net";
	version = 0.1;
	versionStr = "0.0";
	versionAr[] = {"0.0"};
	requiredAddons[] = 
	weapons[] = {};
	units[] = {};

class CfgFactionClasses
class SMU_Faction
	displayName = "SMU";
	author = "Ma77h3hac83r";

class CfgVehicleClasses
class SMU_Infantry

class CfgVehicles
class B_Soldier_base_F;
class B_Helipilot_F;

class SMU_heli_flightsuit: B_Helipilot_F
	scope = 2;
	faction = "SMU_Faction";
	vehicleClass = "SMU_heli_flightsuit";
	displayName = "SMU Desert Heli";
	uniformClass = "U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls";
	model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\coveralls.p3d";
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = 

Edited by ma77h3hac83r
Edits to the code

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okay first things first make sure your using the P: drive.

using the arma 3 tools mound the P" drive. create a folder "smu_gear" and a sub-folder "data" and place texture there "smu_heli_flightsuit.paa"

once that is done place config.cpp in "smu_gear" folder and make sure path to texture is "\smu_gear\data\smu_heli_flightsuit.paa".

and I use BinPBO to build my mods use that and you are done :)

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