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Lock server with bsttle-node.jss

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Hi guys I'm trying to connect to my BE server for lock the server with a .js. The reality is that i don't know shit about java so my question is that did "https://github.com/Lulz0rz/battle-node" need this for run "http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178327-Node-js-Extension-for-Arma-3-(sock-sqf-sock-dll-sock-rpc)" because the first one doensn't have a .dll

Edited by SniPeZz_Qc

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Hi guys I'm trying to connect to my BE server for lock the server with a .js. The reality is that i don't know shit about java so my question is that did "https://github.com/Lulz0rz/battle-node" need this for run "http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178327-Node-js-Extension-for-Arma-3-(sock-sqf-sock-dll-sock-rpc)" because the first one doensn't have a .dll

You don't need a .dll for the first one, but the commands are limited to the default battle-eye ones (the second looks like you can actually send snippets of sqf which is awesome).

To lock the server using battle-node you should be able to use (although i've yet to try this):


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You don't need a .dll for the first one, but the commands are limited to the default battle-eye ones (the second looks like you can actually send snippets of sqf which is awesome).

To lock the server using battle-node you should be able to use (although i've yet to try this):


Yah it's work but I need the condition to active them (In node.js it's "rpc.register").

Edit : so if I undunstrand we cannot send snippets of sqf with the first one ?

this guy (the last comment it..) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?186020-Server-admin-functions-from-multiplayer-server-side-script/page2

Edited by SniPeZz_Qc

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