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Working around attachTo used on players?

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So I'm making a very silly mission and part of it involves attaching players to a vehicle. The problem I run into is they then can't look around as usual. I can work around part of this problem using the code below:

(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["MouseMoving", {
   _rotateAmount = (_this select 1) / 2.5;
   if (_rotateAmount != 0) then {
       player setDir ((getDir player) - (getDir SPIKE_DW_YourVehicle) + _rotateAmount);

This detects any mouse movement and sets the players direction according to that input. However, they still can't look around on the vertical axis. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or experience for/with this problem.

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Seems that in arma 2 players can still look up and down just fine when attachTo'd. Wonder why that behavior has changed.

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