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Altis Life shops not working after adding new weapon shops to cop base

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I have read several other topics on this matterbut I could not seem to find the problem with my code. I have added a new shop to the police hq in Altis Life and now the weapon shops do not work/show up blank. I have searched through the code in the NPC as well as the code in the weaponshop.cfg but I couldn't find errors, another set of eyes may help.

I added Swat classes -

NCP Init-

this allowDamage false;  this enableSimulation false;  this addAction["SWAT Team Member Shop",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,"swat_team_member"];  this addAction["SWAT Team Leader Shop",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,"swat_team_leader"];  this addAction["SWAT Team Sniper Shop",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,"swat_team_sniper"];  this addAction["SWAT Team Designated Marksman Shop",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,"swat_team_designatedmarksman"];  this addAction["SWAT Team Machine Gunner Shop",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,"swat_team_mg"];

fn_WeaponshopCfg -

#include <macro.h>
File: fn_weaponShopCfg.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine

Master configuration file for the weapon shops.

String: Close the menu
[shop Name,
[ //Array of items to add to the store
	[classname,Custom Name (set nil for default),price]
_shop = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
if(_shop == "") exitWith {closeDialog 0}; //Bad shop type passed.

switch(_shop) do
case "cop_basic":
	switch(true) do
		case (playerSide != west): {"You are not a cop!"};
			["Altis Cop Shop",
					["arifle_sdar_F","Taser Rifle",20000],
					["hgun_P07_snds_F","Stun Pistol",2000],
					["20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag","Taser Rifle Magazine",125]

case "med_basic":
	switch (true) do 
		case (playerSide != independent): {"You are not an EMS Medic"};
		default {
			["Hospital EMS Shop",

case "cop_patrol":
	switch(true) do
		case (playerSide != west): {"You are not a cop!"};
		case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) < 2): {"You are not at a patrol officer rank!"};
			["Altis Patrol Officer Shop",

case "cop_sergeant":
	switch(true) do
		case (playerSide != west): {"You are not a cop!"};
		case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) < 3): {"You are not at a sergeant rank!"};
			["Altis Sergeant Officer Shop",

       case "swat_team_member":
	switch(true) do
		case (playerSide != west): {"You are not a cop!"};
		case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) < 4): {"You are not at a sergeant rank!"};
			["SWAT Team Member Shop",

       case "swat_team_leader":
	switch(true) do
		case (playerSide != west): {"You are not a cop!"};
		case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) < 4): {"You are not at a sergeant rank!"};
			["SWAT Team Leader Shop",

       case "swat_team_sniper":
	switch(true) do
		case (playerSide != west): {"You are not a cop!"};
		case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) < 4): {"You are not at a sergeant rank!"};
			["SWAT Team Sniper Shop",

       case "swat_team_designatedmarksman":
	switch(true) do
		case (playerSide != west): {"You are not a cop!"};
		case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) < 4): {"You are not at a sergeant rank!"};
			["SWAT Team Designated Marksman Shop",

       case "swat_team_mg":
	switch(true) do
		case (playerSide != west): {"You are not a cop!"};
		case (__GETC__(life_coplevel) < 4): {"You are not at a sergeant rank!"};
			[""SWAT Team Machine Gunner Shop",

case "rebel":
	switch(true) do
		case (playerSide != civilian): {"You are not a civilian!"};
		case (!license_civ_rebel): {"You don't have a Rebel training license!"};
			["Mohammed's Jihadi Shop",

case "gun":
	switch(true) do
		case (playerSide != civilian): {"You are not a civilian!"};
		case (!license_civ_gun): {"You don't have a Firearms license!"};
			["Billy Joe's Firearms",

case "gang":
	switch(true) do
		case (playerSide != civilian): {"You are not a civilian!"};
			["Hideout Armament",

case "genstore":
	["Altis General Store",

Thank you for all your help in advance, and if anyone knows if I need to add this stuff anywhere else, please let me know because that may be why it is not working. Thanks

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If you scroll down your second code block, you might notice that at some point the color of your strings changes from red to blue. That's because ""SWAT Team Machine Gunner Shop" has two quotes in front. Correct that and it should (might) work.

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If you scroll down your second code block' date=' you might notice that at some point the color of your strings changes from red to blue. That's because ""SWAT Team Machine Gunner Shop" has two quotes in front. Correct that and it should (might) work.

Thank you very much, checking now.

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I need help I was adding weapons into a shop and the mags but when I get in game none of it is anywhere.

class WeaponShops {
    //Armory Shops
    class gun {
        name = "Pleb Ammunition";
        side = "civ";
        license = "gun";
        level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
        items[] = {
   { "hgun_Pistol_01_F", "", 6500, 500 }
   { "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F ", "", 6500, 500 },
            { "hgun_Rook40_F", "", 6500, 500 },
            { "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F", "", 9850, -1 },
            { "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 6500, -1 },
            { "hgun_PDW2000_F", "", 20000, -1 }
        mags[] = {
   { "10Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 65 },
   { "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 65 },
            { "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 25 },
            { "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder", "", 50 },
            { "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 45 },
            { "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 75 }
        accs[] = {
            { "optic_ACO_grn_smg", "", 950 }
    class rebel {
        name = "Rebel Shop";
        side = "civ";
        license = "rebel";
        level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
        items[] = {
   { "srifle_DMR_03_F", "", 60000, 2500 },
   { "SMG_05_F", "", 25000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_SPAR_01_blk_F ", "", 60000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_CTAR_blk_F", "", 60000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_ARX_blk_F", "", 70000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_AKS_F", "", 30000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_AKM_F", "", 40000, 2500 },
   { "AK-12 7.62 mm", "", 40000, 2500 },
   { "srifle_DMR_02_F ", "", 135000, 2500 },
   { "SMG_01_F", "", 35000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_Mk20_F", "", 35000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_MXC_F", "", 35000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_MX_SW_F", "", 60000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_MXM_F", "", 55000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_MX_F", "", 50000, 2500 },
            { "arifle_TRG20_F", "", 25000, 2500 },
            { "arifle_Katiba_F", "", 30000, 5000 },
            { "srifle_DMR_01_F", "", 50000, -1 },
            { "arifle_SDAR_F", "", 20000, 7500 }
        mags[] = {
   { "30Rnd_9x21_Mag_SMG_02", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_580x42_Mag_F", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "", 300 },
   { "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "", 300 },
   { "10Rnd_338_Mag", "", 300 },
            { "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "", 300 },
            { "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green", "", 275 },
            { "10Rnd_762x54_Mag", "", 500 },
            { "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag", "", 125 }
        accs[] = {
  { "optic_DMS", "", 5000 }
   { "optic_ACO_grn", "", 500 },
   { "acc_pointer_IR", "", 500 },
            { "optic_Holosight", "", 1000 },
            { "optic_Hamr", "", 1000 },
            { "acc_flashlight", "", 100 }
            { "optic_ACO_grn_smg", "", 950 }
    class gang {
        name = "Hideout Armament";
        side = "civ";
        license = "";
        level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
        items[] = {
   { "SMG_05_F", "", 25000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_AKS_F", "", 30000, 2500 },
   { "SMG_01_F", "", 35000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_Mk20_F", "", 35000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_MXC_F", "", 35000, 2500 },
            { "arifle_TRG20_F", "", 25000, 2500 },
            { "arifle_SDAR_F", "", 20000, 7500 }
   { "hgun_Pistol_01_F", "", 6500, 500 }
   { "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F ", "", 6500, 500 },
            { "hgun_Rook40_F", "", 6500, 500 },
            { "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F", "", 9850, -1 },
            { "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 6500, -1 },
            { "hgun_PDW2000_F", "", 20000, -1 }
        mags[] = {
   { "30Rnd_9x21_Mag_SMG_02", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_580x42_Mag_F", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01", "", 300 },
   { "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "", 300 },
   { "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "", 300 },
   { "10Rnd_338_Mag", "", 300 },
            { "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "", 300 },
            { "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green", "", 275 },
            { "10Rnd_762x54_Mag", "", 500 },
            { "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag", "", 125 }
   { "10Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 65 },
   { "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 65 },
            { "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 25 },
            { "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder", "", 50 },
            { "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 45 },
            { "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 75 }
        accs[] = {
   { "optic_DMS", "", 5000 }
   { "optic_ACO_grn", "", 500 },
   { "acc_pointer_IR", "", 500 },
            { "optic_Holosight", "", 1000 },
            { "optic_Hamr", "", 1000 },
            { "acc_flashlight", "", 100 }
            { "optic_ACO_grn_smg", "", 950 }
    //Basic Shops
    class genstore {
        name = "Altis General Store";
        side = "civ";
        license = "";
        level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
        items[] = {
            { "Binocular", "", 150, -1 },
            { "ItemGPS", "", 100, 45 },
            { "ItemMap", "", 50, 35 },
            { "ItemCompass", "", 50, 25 },
            { "ItemWatch", "", 50, -1 },
            { "FirstAidKit", "", 150, 65 },
            { "NVGoggles", "", 2000, 980 },
            { "Chemlight_red", "", 300, -1 },
            { "Chemlight_yellow", "", 300, 50 },
            { "Chemlight_green", "", 300, 50 },
            { "Chemlight_blue", "", 300, 50 }
        mags[] = {};
        accs[] = {};
    class f_station_store {
        name = "Altis Fuel Station Store";
        side = "";
        license = "";
        level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
        items[] = {
            { "Binocular", "", 750, -1 },
            { "ItemGPS", "", 500, 45 },
            { "ItemMap", "", 250, 35 },
            { "ItemCompass", "", 250, 25 },
            { "ItemWatch", "", 250, -1 },
            { "FirstAidKit", "", 750, 65 },
            { "NVGoggles", "", 10000, 980 },
            { "Chemlight_red", "", 1500, -1 },
            { "Chemlight_yellow", "", 1500, 50 },
            { "Chemlight_green", "", 1500, 50 },
            { "Chemlight_blue", "", 1500, 50 }
        mags[] = {};
        accs[] = {};
    //Cop Shops
    class cop_basic {
        name = "Cop Shop";
        side = "cop";
        license = "";
        level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
        items[] = {
            { "arifle_sdar_F", "Taser Rifle", 20000, 7500 },
            { "hgun_P07_snds_F", "Stun Pistol", 2000, 650 },
            { "hgun_P07_F", "", 7500, 1500 },
            { "HandGrenade_Stone", "Flashbang", 1700, -1 },
            { "Binocular", "", 150, -1 },
            { "ItemGPS", "", 100, 45 },
            { "FirstAidKit", "", 150, 65 },
            { "NVGoggles", "", 2000, 980 }
        mags[] = {
            { "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 25 },
            { "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag", "Taser Rifle Magazine", 45 }
        accs[] = {
            { "muzzle_snds_L", "", 650 }
    class cop_patrol {
        name = "Patrol Officer Shop";
        side = "cop";
        license = "";
        level[] = { "life_coplevel", "SCALAR", 2, "You must be a Patrol Officer Rank!" };
        items[] = {
            { "arifle_MX_F", "", 35000, 7500 },
            { "SMG_02_ACO_F", "", 30000, -1 },
            { "HandGrenade_Stone", "Flashbang", 1700, -1 },
            { "acc_flashlight", "", 750, 100 },
            { "optic_Holosight", "", 1200, 275 },
            { "optic_Arco", "", 2500, -1 },
            { "muzzle_snds_H", "", 2750, -1 }
        mags[] = {
            { "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "", 130 },
            { "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 250 }
        accs[] = {
            { "acc_flashlight", "", 750 },
            { "optic_Holosight", "", 1200 },
            { "optic_Arco", "", 2500 },
            { "muzzle_snds_H", "", 2750 }
    class cop_sergeant {
        name = "Sergeant Officer Shop";
        side = "cop";
        license = "";
        level[] = { "life_coplevel", "SCALAR", 3, "You must be a Sergeant Rank!" };
        items[] = {
   { "arifle_MXC_F", "", 30000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_MX_SW_F", "", 30000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_MXM_F", "", 30000, 2500 },
   { "arifle_MX_F", "", 30000, 2500 },
   { "srifle_DMR_02_F ", "", 35000, 2500 },
            { "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 17500, -1 },
            { "SMG_02_ACO_F", "", 15000, -1 },
            { "arifle_MXC_F", "", 30000, 5000 },
            { "HandGrenade_Stone", "Flashbang", 1700, -1 },
            { "optic_Arco", "", 2500, -1 },
            { "muzzle_snds_H", "", 2750, -1 }
        mags[] = {
            { "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 200 },
            { "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 60 },
            { "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "", 100 }
        accs[] = {
            { "optic_Arco", "", 2500 },
            { "muzzle_snds_H", "", 2750 }
    //Medic Shops
    class med_basic {
        name = "store";
        side = "med";
        license = "";
        level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
        items[] = {
            { "ItemGPS", "", 100, 45 },
            { "Binocular", "", 150, -1 },
            { "FirstAidKit", "", 150, 65 },
            { "NVGoggles", "", 1200, 980 }
        mags[] = {};
        accs[] = {};

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I just noticed the weapons are different from the default weapons that were in there how do I fix it

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