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AH-9 missiles not visible after replacing DAR with DAGR

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I was wondering if it would be possible to change the loadout of the Pawnee for a mission. I found out that it's quite easy to remove the existing mounted weapon and ammo and replace it.

chopper removeMagazine "24Rnd_missiles";
chopper removeWeapon "missiles_DAR";
chopper addWeapon "missiles_DAGR";
chopper addMagazine "24Rnd_PG_missiles";

In this case I'm replacing the DAR missiles with the DAGR ones, which is the change that makes the most sense as the only difference between DAR and DAGR seems to be the fact that DAGRs can lock onto their target. Otherwise they're using the same model, cause the same damage and come in the same amount per magazine.

Now even though they look exactly the same, the amount of missiles doesn't show on the rocket pod anymore, as it's empty. It's not a complete mess though, the missiles are fired from the correct proxies, alternatly from the left and right pod. Also, when removing the DAGRs and adding DARs, the amount of loaded missiles in the pod shows up correctly again. I believe it has something to do with the Pawnee's config only allowing for the display of the original DAR missiles.

I really hope there's an sqf command that allows me to sync what's visible externally with the ammo count or that there's some way to make the rocket pod believe it still has the original missiles loaded.

Edited by frankfranconi

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