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Major Fubar

What can we post?

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To save all these locked topics, I think we need a detailed guide of what we can and cannot post, preferably a sticky.

Which topics have been done to death (Gun Control, US vs. ROTW etc.), which are unacceptable (Warez, Lost CD keys, offensive pics, links to adult sites etc.) and which are questionable (silly addon ideas, "nonsense" threads etc.).

Anybody think this is a good idea, or is this just another topic to be locked?

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I think common sense pretty much covers the whole thing. I would prefer not to have my intelligence insulted by a new set of ultra detailed guidelines. The mods are here for a reason, to keep the boards clean, so having yet another set of rules on top of active enforcers would be taking redundancy to the Nth degree. Besides, half the fun is wondering how long a topic will stay open.

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Oops,didn't read post right.But i believe the mods should see what i wrote..

I think i could have got the gun control tthread reopen,but i just said screw it.

Wanna know how ? This is what denoir said in one thread....

What is interesting about these discussions (besides knowing that you are right  ) is that people find different sources for backing up their statements. It is always interesting reading those. You also force yourself reading up on the subject.

link here..

Soo why don't they have this open again,..

Gun control thread

But they have this thread open Which has links going to nude chicks Nude chicks here...Click their links....

But they close another thread that just had women with guns,and some spam...

Soo what can we post by what i have said ?

Well if your a mod you can post Anything,if your not,its whoever is moding for the day,also if the mod had a bad day...Damn hypocrites.

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It's just that it can get really frustrating with all these closed posts, especially if you wanted to respond but weren't quick enough...guidelines would help prevent it. Oh well, just a thought...

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Most people here have common sense, but some do not, or do not bother to use it, so they need strict guidlines. Also, if you have strict guidlines that are known to everyone, when these guidlines are broken, it is easier to expell the trouble makers.

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When you have several people moderating it is quite impossible to have a 100% coherent policy. We do however act with no bias and try to be as fair and objective as humanly possible.

People don't like when their thread gets closed. At the same time my PM inbox gets filled with every with requests from people requesting me to close threads.

When we do close threads while we some times don't give you all the details, we always have a good reason. Many of you have been around here for months, so you should have a pretty good idea of what is ok to post and what is not. That is all that I have to say about that.

Now, Fubar: I am growing very tired, very quickly of your constant immature whining and subversive behavior. The lame attempt of trying to mask it as voicing a serious and helpful question does not work. Placebo gave you a warning the other day that you are close to a perm-ban. I am going to extend this: Your existance at these forums is hanging by a thread. If I or any other moderator sees any form of violation, inappropriate post or a subversive attempt (like this one), you will be banned permanently, directly without any warning.

Closing smile.gif

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