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Weird Graphic Issue

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I've been having this strange problem since I purchased A3.

I thought it might be an AMD graphics issue but I just built a brand new system.

I have a Rampage IV Extreme with a GTX970 card now with all the latest drivers.

Can someone please explain why the ground shifts like this and if there's a fix?

I never had this problem with Arma1 or Arma2.


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Hi. It's not a bug but a feature but I'm sure everybody who encounters it for the first time is like w0t?

It's an effect called parallax that's applied to the ground textures to give a fake depth perception. Try setting Terrain detail to Standard or Low, it should disappear.

On a sidenote, it's there in Arma 2 as well, just not as pronounced as in A3 I think.

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That's a seriously sucky "feature" in my opinion. But just for the record I set it to standard and the problem went away. Thanks for telling me what to do.

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You are not alone. I play on Standard as well to avoid the thing. It would be nice if they'd adjust the distance that effect is rendered as it looks relatively good from a distance. And you're welcome.

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