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Bunkers and fortifications

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How create a full close sandbag bunker, Pilboxs, machine gun fighting position, trenchs, observation post, outposts, covered sheltet, covered trenchs, and recess to make realistic defensive possicions

I use sandbags, but the lag is high, a example:

http://www.comando111.com/Flashpo....nes.jpg this is a little forticication, no work properly, but is very funny.

Any aid, help or sugerence to make this more great by light lag, or any script?

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Do you mean really LAG as in high ping, or poor framerate? I would bet low framerate, which is simply caused by all those sandbag models.

So no trenches I guess, unless you're willing to sacrifice a bunch of FPS.

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Come to think of it, try these steps:

- set viewing distance to minimum ("setviewdistance 500")

- set fog to a high value ("x setFog 0", where x is preferably between 0.7 and 1.0))

- break up the fortifications into smaller sections, reducing the number of models simultaneously on screen

You won't end up with exactly what you intended, but it should be reasonably playable and there will probably be lots of hectic in-your-face close combat!

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