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Change Yaw on moving vehicles

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How do I change the yaw on a moving vehicle?

I try setDir and setVectorDir commands and it stops the vehicle or overwrites the vehicle velocity to [0,0,0];

these 2 examples turn the boat at the required rate and angle but speed is cancelled to 0.

boat01 addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>Rudder Port 10</t>","rudderLeft.sqf", 10, 0.4, false, true];

_boat = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_amount =  _this select 3;
_counter = 0;

_amount = _amount *10;

while {_counter < _amount} do
_counter = _counter + 1;
_boatDir = getDir _boat;
   	_boat setDir (_boatDir - 0.1);
   	sleep 0.01;

this also:

boat01 addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>Rudder Port 10</t>","rudderLeft.sqf", 10, 0.4, false, true];

_boat = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_amount =  _this select 3;
_counter = 0;

_amount = _amount *10;
_vel = velocity _boat;
_v1 = 0;
_v2 = 0;

while {_counter < _amount} do
_dir = round(getDir _boat);

If ((_dir >= 0) && (_dir <= 90)) then {_v1 = -0.015; _v2 = 0.0015;};
If (_dir >= 90 && _dir <= 180) then {_v1 = 0.0015; _v2 = 0.0015;};
If (_dir >= 180 && _dir <= 270) then {_v1 = 0.0015; _v2 = -0.0015;};
If (_dir >= 270 && _dir <= 360) then {_v1 = -0.0015; _v2 = -0.0015;};

_counter = _counter + 1;
_vecDir = vectorDir boat01;
   	_boat setVectorDir [(_vecDir select 0) + _v1,(_vecDir select 1) + _v2,_vecDir select 2];
_boat setVelocity _vel;//I put this here to keep velocity but no effect
   	sleep 0.001;

Edited by Falsche9

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If it overwrites the velocity then get the velocity of the boat prior to changing its direction, set the new direction and set the saved velocity again:

[color=#FF8040][color=#191970][b]while[/b][/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b]{[/b][/color][color=#1874CD]_counter[/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b]<[/b][/color] [color=#1874CD]_amount[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b]}[/b][/color] [color=#191970][b]do[/b][/color]
   [color=#1874CD]_velocity[/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b]=[/b][/color] [color=#191970][b]velocity[/b][/color] [color=#1874CD]_boat[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b];[/b][/color]
   [color=#1874CD]_counter[/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b]=[/b][/color] [color=#1874CD]_counter[/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b]+[/b][/color] [color=#FF0000]1[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b];[/b][/color]
   [color=#1874CD]_boatDir[/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b]=[/b][/color] [color=#191970][b]getDir[/b][/color] [color=#1874CD]_boat[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b];[/b][/color]
   [color=#1874CD]_boat[/color] [color=#191970][b]setDir[/b][/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b]([/b][/color][color=#1874CD]_boatDir[/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b]-[/b][/color] [color=#FF0000]0.1[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b])[/b][/color][color=#8B3E2F][b];[/b][/color]
   [color=#1874CD]_boat[/color] [color=#191970][b]setVelocity[/b][/color] [color=#1874CD]_velocity[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b];[/b][/color][color=#191970][b]
   sleep[/b][/color] [color=#FF0000]0.01[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b];[/b][/color]

Kudos to Killzone_Kid for his SQF to BBCode Converter.

I haven't tested it, but I hope it works and helps.



Edited by Heeeere's Johnny!

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Thanks for reply but it doesn't work - boat has 0 velocity until loop is finished. How do BIS steer vehicles? Is there a script somewhere for WASD keys?

I will try with setVelocityTransformation also.

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Thanks for reply but it doesn't work - boat has 0 velocity until loop is finished.

I'm guessing the boat has a velocity before doing the turn. Did you attempt to use "_velocity = velocity _boat;" at the very beginning of your script before doing anything else?

How do BIS steer vehicles?

I was asking this myself and asked a BI developer. The response was "That's classified". So we as scripters won't get to know how the commands work in detail.

Is there a script somewhere for WASD keys?

I don't know, but if you want the boat to follow a specific path, use BIS_fnc_UnitCapture and BIS_fnc_UnitPlay.

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I was asking this myself and asked a BI developer. The response was "That's classified". So we as scripters won't get to know how the commands work in detail.

Well, there's nothing classified, I can assure you. ;)

Currently, there is no proper support for such through scripting.

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Well, there's nothing classified, I can assure you. ;)

Currently, there is no proper support for such through scripting.

Well, I was asking Accolyte (DayZ Team) the other day if there is an SQF documentation, because I wanted to know how publicVariable works as I was interested why (according to this FT ticket) arrays take 6 times more band width than other simple data types. The response was:

"[...] unfortunately the BIwiki contains as much information as possible, the rest is sadly confidential and I am unable to share anything else."

Granted, he is not a developer (still a manager) and he said "confidential" instead of "classified", but "confidential" isKindOf "classified", right? ;)

Either way, is there a way to get informations about how certain commands work in detail?



Edited by Heeeere's Johnny!
Polishing, finally done

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I'm guessing the boat has a velocity before doing the turn. Did you attempt to use "_velocity = velocity _boat;" at the very beginning of your script before doing anything else?

I was asking this myself and asked a BI developer. The response was "That's classified". So we as scripters won't get to know how the commands work in detail.

I don't know' date=' but if you want the boat to follow a specific path, use [i']BIS_fnc_UnitCapture[/i] and BIS_fnc_UnitPlay.

Thanks again - that also doesn't work. BIS_fnc_UnitCapture is not suitable as I was trying to script a sailing dinghy with the "C_Boat_Civil_01_F" and steer it from cargo positions 1&2 so the helm switches sides as in reality. So far I have a moving sail and the mathematics done for velocity relative to wind/sail angle. I thought the steering would be the easy part! It's not so bad, I will just have to use the driver position instead.

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Did a quick test from the debugConsole and for me, that works for just fine:

change = 1;
boat spawn {
   while {alive _this} do {
       _vel = velocity _this;
       _vdir = vectorDir _this;

       _vel1 = [[_vel select 0,_vel select 1],change] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D;
       _vdir1 = [[_vdir select 0,_vdir select 1],change] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D;

       _this setVectorDir [_vdir1 select 0, _vdir1 select 1, _vdir select 2];
       _this setVelocity [_vel1 select 0, _vel1 select 1, _vel select 2];
       sleep 0.1;

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