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help finding class name and/or location name in string

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I'm trying to generate civilians on Altis based on a mission location.. based on type of houses or location type. I'm trying to use 'find' command to search a string, but not sure I understand how to use it.

I was thinking this should prevent my script from running , only when "PowerPlant" isn't found in the location class name;

_locations = nearestLocations [position player, ["NameVillage","NameCityCapital","NameCity","CityCenter","NameLocal","Hill"], _maxRange]; 
_loc = _locations call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_locNameType = classname _loc; 
_string = format ["%1",_locNameType];
//hint format ["String: %1",_string]; sleep 4;

// below I tried both '==0'  and '< 0'
if (_string find "PowerPlant" < 0) then {
   null = [getPos _hvt] execVM "scripts\civGen.sqf";

Also tried using search for "house" or "House" in object name;

_houseList = nearestObjects [_pos, ["house"], 200];
_houseName = format ["%1",typeOf _x];
if ((_houseName find "house" >= 0) && (_houseName find "House" >= 0)) then {
	_houseList = _houseList - [_x];
} forEach _houseList;

But... i'm getting civ spawns in areas where I don't think the class names have house in the string. Of course.. I'm probably going about this all wrong :)

From wiki ;



array find x


array: Array - array to search in

x: Anything - array element to find

Return Value:

Number - 0 based position of the first array element that matches x, -1 if not found

Alternative Syntax


string find x (since ["Arma 3","Arma3",127,126674,"Development"])


string: String - string to search in

x: String - string to find

Return Value:

Number - 0 based position of the first sequence of characters that matches x, -1 if not found



okay,, this seems to be working for finding 'house' in object name---

_houseList = nearestObjects [_pos, ["house"], 200];


_houseName = format ["%1",typeOf _x];

if ((_houseName find "house" < 0) && (_houseName find "House" < 0)) then {

_houseList = _houseList - [_x];


} forEach _houseList;

Edited by smacker909

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