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Server installed with SteamCMD only loading Arrowhead maps and content

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I'm not able to host a Combined Operations server. When I launch ./arma2oaserver, the server runs fine but only shows Arrowhead maps (Proving Grounds, Shapur, Takistan, etc). I'm trying to make a server to play the custom mission "Escape Chernarus" with some friends.

I followed this tutorial: http://tactical.nekromantix.com/wiki/doku.php?id=arma2:linux-dedicated-server-steam-install

I changed the App ID 33910 to 33900 because I was getting errors otherwise. I now have the following files/output:

arma2oaserver: http://pastebin.com/PakQeJCp

server.cfg: http://pastebin.com/YFMf7ZBq

ls -Rx1 /home/propslam/arma2/: http://pastebin.com/xuwQ5g14

log.2302.txt: http://pastebin.com/wxpGTkVR

I've spent at least 6 hours trying to get this server up and running. I would appreciate any help I can get.

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04.3 x64 on a 4GB Digital Ocean droplet.

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Did you really use the 33900 appid? because on the tut you followed, it says that this does'nt work...

Although The server runs for you?

I Did almost the same, but server dies ;( dont ask me why...

I hope somebody can help you with this, as it seems that there are not many using linux here...


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SteamCMD would refuse to download app ID 33910. I'm guessing it was a legacy thing that got changed since the tutorial was written?

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I was able to install the appid 33910 though... maybe you did something different than the tut..

I used some parts of this tutorial too, but didnt follow it entirely..

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