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How come i can't load p3d files i decoded from ofp

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I am trying to get an idea of the how they built their 3d objects... How come then after I unpack/decrypt these OFP CWC and Resistance files, I can't load them into O2 light? I've used different decrytion programs to no avail. Please advise. Thanks Uncle

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Hmm...I presume you are a fairly new member to the OFP editing community...

Well, the answer to your question is very easy: Those files are in a uncomprehendable format, meaning that Oxygen can't read them. The only files that O2 can read are the DEMO .p3d files. Now youre going to ask, where do I obtain those Demo files? Well, if you want, you can contact me via e-mail: [email protected] and ask me to give them to you.

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I figured it out...  The p3d files that I can load into O2 are MLOD and the ones I can't are ODOL...  Now I have to search for info on ODOL - > MLOD converters if there are any...  Uncle.

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Next time use the search engine before posting.

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