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Spawn Crate+addAction(spawn vehicle)/delete crate after vehicle spawn.

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So, I have a dedicated server running a mission I created. Within this mission I have laptops set up with sqf scripts attached to them to spawn crates nearby. These crates are meant to carry an addAction menu selection to spawn an airplane and then the crate is to be deleted after the plane has spawned. This function works fine if I only spawn one crate at a time. However, if I spawn two or more of these crates in the same existence, when I use one of them to spawn a plane, the plane will spawn and the crate will delete as it should, thus exchanging the crate for the plane. However, the second crate I use to exchange for a plane will not delete. I have tried localizing as much within the scripts, however I don't think anything is working no matter how many underscores I use.

I am using the following script that is called from an .sqf executed by the laptop:

private "_opair1box";

_opair1box = "O_supplyCrate_F" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "opfortmarker");

[[opair1box, ["Order To-199 Neophron (CAS)","_opair1 = 'O_Plane_CAS_02_F' createVehicle (player modelToWorld [0,10,0]);_to199CASO1 = getDir player;_opair1 setDir _to199CASO1;deleteVehicle opair1box;opair1box = nil"]], "TWI_fnc_addAction", nil, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

I'm not sure how to localize this spawning and deletion of the crate to one iteration while multiples are present without interfering with subsequent crates. The crates would need individualized names as they are spawned from the laptop, I do not know how to do this. Unless there is a simpler resolution to this issue.

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