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Lock interaction to faction? (scripting Q's)

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Hey chaps,

Couple of questions:

• How do I stop the other faction from interacting with an item/person?

I have a hostage set up as 'p1'. He's a civilian. Everything works perfect for blurfor, who can use their mouse wheel and "release hostage". The hostage then follows them.

However, upon testing.. It seems that opfor can also see the "release hostage". How can I stop this?

Here is what is in the hostage INIT:

this addAction ["Rescue POWs","rescue.sqf",[POWS],1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3"]; this disableAI "MOVE"; this setCaptive true;

Blufor simply have: "POWs =[p1]

• How do I stop civilians from attacking friendlies due to friendly fire?

Various civilians are friendlies with Opfor. They will only attack Blufor. Should accidental fire happen, said civilians take down the shooting Opfor player.

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this addAction ["Rescue POWs","rescue.sqf",[POWS],1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3 && (side _this) == 'WEST'"]; this disableAI "MOVE"; this setCaptive true;

should do the trick.

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this addAction ["Rescue POWs","rescue.sqf",[POWS],1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3 && (side _this) == 'WEST'"]; this disableAI "MOVE"; this setCaptive true;

should do the trick.

Magic, works perfect! Cheers buddy!

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