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Baader-Meinhof Brigade: An Insurgent Squad is recruiting

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Welcome to the Baader-Meinhof Brigade!
We are the Baader-Meinhof Brigade, an friendly and active unit within the ArmA 3 community. Our main focus consists of assisting progressive
movements around the world against the forces of tyranny and oppression, using conventional and unconventional means alike to achieve our
objectives, all depending on the scenario. From the frontlines of Takistan to the northernmost hills of Chernarus, we stand ready to fight for
the people. There are also some opportunities for PvP, where we take a similar role. 

What we do
We strive for a realistic environment, but we also believe in having fun while doing so. We do not believe in the oppressive hierarchy of the military
and we focus on an open, friendly and democratic community. Everyone is given a chance to lead and try out different roles, as long as you
realize that there is a time for being serious and a time for joking around with your friends.

Our primary operations takes place on Sundays at 17:00 GMT.

But more activities will occur throughout the week with enough interest and availability; from more open missions in our current campaign,
to going on tactical battlefield as a group. While we do not exercise any attendance policy, you will be expected to atleast respond to
pre-event messages.


What we provide:

- A realistic and yet laid-back experience. 
- A friendly and tolerant community. 
- An alternative to the majority of blufor-oriented units. 
- A high degree of inter-unit democracy. 
What we expect
- Age of 16 or higher 
- Maturity and patience 
- To not engage in rascist or otherwise discriminatory conversation. 
- A willingness to have or install teamspeak and the neccesary mods. 
- Ability to make it to events 

If you are interested in joining, playing against us or simply
have a few questions, feel free to add the main administrator on steam:


Edited by PolPot

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Within 2 weeks, we have gone up to 16 members, with more on the line. We have now got regular PvP events, where we play as insurgents,

on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays.

If you are interested in joining, playing against us with your current community or simply have a few questions, feel free to add me on steam:


Edited by Hjelmern

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After suffering from inactivity for a few months, we are now back. But this time tied to a functioning and well-organized regiment within the game,

where we will be acting as an irregular force during their campaigns. Thus, we will be working both with them and against them, all depending on the

situation. So if you are interested in joining, add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/hjelmern

Edited by Hjelmern

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The few surviving members after several hours of intense close quarter combat has been captured!


Join today!

And liberate yourselves from the chains of oppression!

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We are loading up before our offensive on nationalist positions in northern Chernarus.


If you want to take part in this righteous struggle and liberate Chernarus from their oppressive regime, add me on steam:


The people of Chernarus needs you!

Edited by Hjelmern

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We have now gone up 20 members, growing stronger for each day,

as more people see the righteousness of our class-struggle!


Join today and kill the american oppressors!

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As our numbers increase, so does our activities and structure.

After finishing our campaign on Altis, we have moved onto Bornholm to liberate it from the chains of american oppression.

We also have regular TvT events and the occasional joint cooperative mission.

The people need you!

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After a hiatus of a few weeks, we will return to active duty with our new Ukrainian-based campaign on Sunday this week.
We will assist the United Armed Forces of Novorossiya along the frontlines, both through conventional means and
infiltration behind enemy lines, with plenty of variation in regards to objectives, weapons and vehicles.


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After completion of our previous campaign and a short break over the holidays, we are back with our new campaign set on Isla Duala.
We will assist our comrades in the north as they wage an insurgency against a recent US-backed invasion. Our missions will include
kidnappings, assassinations, arms-smuggling and sabotage.


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