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Anyone found best settings...

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Or equivalent configuration? All on Win98SE.

There are more settings than in OFP, and some compromises seem difficult to make (ex: Terrain Detail vs. Visibility... Screen Depth vs. Image Quality...)

I am currently playing in 1200 x 960, Terrain Details Very High (don't quite know what this means, but I like the concept), Visibility of 900 (too bad for the scenery...), Framerates requested around 15-25, HW T&L, Object Shadows Enabled (curious to see that the default is Disabled!wink.gif, Drop-Down x2, and most other settings not touched from their "automatic" configuration with "Preferences".

I have also kept my previous GeForce settings ("4S antialiasing" on, "anisotropic filtering set by application").

I also reset Windows Virtual Memory to automatic after OFP went to desktop telling me that my HD was too small for the Fixed Virtual Memory I had set (in which OFP was wrong). Since then, I did not have this issue anymore.

Picture is nice (I love in particular all the new bumps & holes in the terrain, which make the fighting and the movements so different from what it was with OFP - although I don't know if this is correlated to the "terrain detail" - and the new trees with their 100% realistic leaves...), and fluidity is not bad.

However there is some bad stuttering here and there (looks to me like some memory management issues) especially noticeable in the Videos, and I am sure that my settings could be much improved either in terms of stability of FPS, or of quality of image. Question is how?


PS: Oh, and by the way, I have two identical systems set on 2 partitions of the same disk (meaning sharing same hardware - done with System Commander 7), where I upgraded the GeForce drivers to the same latest version (29.80).

Well, OFP was working fine with System 2 before the upgrade (i.e. when driver version was 27.50). Now, neither OFP nor Resistance work on System 2 (with drivers 29.80: systematic freeze a few seconds within the Intro movie). But they work fine on System 1 with exactly the same config (Win 98SE, same shared hardware, same apps on both systems, 29.80 drivers)...

And OFP worked on none of the two systems when I was using 28.32 drivers. I am going mad...

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