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"viktor, join us. come to the dark side..."

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Today I received OFP-R and after exploring the new island I started the new campaign.

When I heard of OFP-R I thought that you will fight against the soviets, but that`s just half of the truth...

***Possible spoilers***

A few cutscenes later my character Viktor Troska had an difficult decision to make.

Should he tell the soviet invaders where the resistance soldier is hidden, should he run and grab his gun and fight or should he just wait that the soviets kill all civilians including him?

The soviets didn`t accepted any talk, grabbing the Kozlice gun and fight again 3 soldiers is very difficult, so I decided to betray the hidden soldier (after many tries).

They kill him and then you will be taken with the soviets to their base - do they plan to torture and kill me after this?

Game over because of the betray?

No - you are welcomed by General Guba and you are now working on the dark side!  wow.gif

Viktor, join us. Come to the dark side... vadie.gif

Now I`m General Gubas Stormtrooper of Death! stroop.gif

Cool feature! look.gif

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