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Firing unguided rockets as the pilot

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I have seen a few threads, but none of them had an answer for this question.

The issue is, that I want to fire the unguided Skyfire rockets in the Mi-48 as the pilot, while having a player gunner in the helicopter using the 30mm cannon, because having the gunner shoot them is really ineffective and doesn't make sense for me.

The NATO counterpart probably has the same issue, so the question goes for that as well.

Is there a solution present as a mod or does anyone know how to fix this?

Also does this work the same way in the real world, with a Mi-28 for example?

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The AH-99 Blackfoot actually has the DAGR Rockets, which are guided. If you work with AI, manual fire is really the only work around to this. In MP, you just have to have a lot of communication with your gunner. Regardless, if neither of those solutions are satisfactory to you, you could make a config replacement for the Mi-48 but I don't know of one that exists at the moment.

As for the real world, on say the AH-64 Apache, the hellfires are guided rockets. I have no idea if the rockets on the mi-28 are guided as well.

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I guess its not as much of a problem for the AH-99, thanks.

The config replacement idea sounds great, but sadly I have no idea on how config replacements work...

Could someone please give me a lead on where I can read up on how to do it? I can't find anything useful...

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The config replacement is a much more involved process that may not make much sense until you've learned quite a bit about .sqf and/or Arma's config system.

There may be some mods that fix it, you'll have to search around.

However, as an arma helicopter fanatic, I can give you a few tips:

With an AI gunner: Manual fire. This way you can fire all the weapons yourself, taking the AI's stupidity out of the equation and control everything yourself

With a human gunner: tell them, "I'm going for a rocket pass." Tell them how many rockets you'd like to use, and tell them what you intend on shooting. There are two ways of going about shooting: you can either count down and then say "fire," at which point the gunner fires the number of rockets you told them to (this is good for when the gunner can't see the target you want to shoot),

or if the gunner also sees the target, you could say something along the lines of "lets put 4 Skyfires in that Ifrit HMG," get into position for the pass, and then say "get ready." Do your run as you normally would with a Pawnee or similar, except your gunner will fire the rockets when he sees fit.

Happy hunting

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The config replacement is a much more involved process that may not make much sense until you've learned quite a bit about .sqf and/or Arma's config system.

There may be some mods that fix it, you'll have to search around.

However, as an arma helicopter fanatic, I can give you a few tips:

With an AI gunner: Manual fire. This way you can fire all the weapons yourself, taking the AI's stupidity out of the equation and control everything yourself

With a human gunner: tell them, "I'm going for a rocket pass." Tell them how many rockets you'd like to use, and tell them what you intend on shooting. There are two ways of going about shooting: you can either count down and then say "fire," at which point the gunner fires the number of rockets you told them to (this is good for when the gunner can't see the target you want to shoot),

or if the gunner also sees the target, you could say something along the lines of "lets put 4 Skyfires in that Ifrit HMG," get into position for the pass, and then say "get ready." Do your run as you normally would with a Pawnee or similar, except your gunner will fire the rockets when he sees fit.

Happy hunting

Hmm... The config situation kinda sucks, but thanks a lot for the reply!

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