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Call Unit in specific kit via script

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Hello, I'm creating a script for one of my missions that randomly calls in an enemy HVT. I have figured out how to call in one of the Aggressor units "CAF_AG_ME_T_AK74" as my HVT but he appearance is a bit too similar to the other fighters on the map. I want to make him stand out by dressing him slightly different but not sure how to go about doing it even after googling around.

This is how I'm currently calling in the HVT: (of course there is more to the script but here is the specific to calling in the unit)

_off = createGroup EAST;

officer1 = _off createUnit ["CAF_AG_ME_T_AK74",[(getMarkerpos _markerCO select 0) + 1, getMarkerpos _markerCO select 1,0], [], 0, "NONE"];

Is there a way to call in this unit but adding sunglasses, helmet, ect using the correct classname to that piece of gear?


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