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[HELP REQ] Triggers & Custom Sounds

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Hello there!

This would be my second Thread post in to this amazing community & is wondering if you guys could help me out again!

Basically, I run quite a large mission for training in AddOn aircraft and there are OPFOR jets that come in to the BLUFOR Airspace, I decided I wanted to use an old British WWII Klaxon Sound every time a OPFOR Jet enters BLUFOR Airspace but defined by trigger. I'm quite good with executing scripts and such but never seem to be able to get the hang of sounds.

So long story short, I need somebody to explain in extremely basic terms to me how one would use a trigger to launch a sound file named "Siren" without the ". The file is in .ogg format and I would like the trigger radius to be 2000x2000

Thanks guys!


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You need to define your soundfile in an description.ext first.


But be sure that your soundfile is recorded in mono. You can easily modify your file to mono with audacity.

In the editor you have to set the trigger's conditions as you want it and you will find your sound in the trigger menu under "effects/voice/yoursoundname" (scroll down completely)

Trigger: OPFOR, Present, repeatedly

Condition: "Su34" countType thislist > 0

you can find your class/subclass here:


This works when you have a single plane.

Otherwise you can group the trigger with each plane. So each time a new plane enters the trigger area, the trigger fires the sound.

Edited by _qoR

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Not quite sure what you mean in terms of explaining it? I have the line in Description.ext already

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {};

class Siren


// how the sound is referred to in the editor (e.g. trigger effects)

name = "Siren";

// filename, volume, pitch

sound[] = {"Music\Siren.ogg", 1, 1};

// subtitle delay in seconds, subtitle text

titles[] = { };



But how would I trigger it so ANY enemy plane that enters the trigger radius will set it off and what do I type in the trigger to activate the sound?

Thanks :)

You need to define your soundfile in an description.ext first.


But be sure that your soundfile is recorded in mono. You can easily modify your file to mono with audacity.

In the editor you have to set the trigger's conditions as you want it and you will find your sound in the trigger menu under "effects/voice/yoursoundname" (scroll down completely)

Trigger: OPFOR, Present, repeatedly

Condition: "Su34" countType thislist > 0

you can find your class/subclass here:


This works when you have a single plane.

Otherwise you can group the trigger with each plane. So each time a new plane enters the trigger area, the trigger fires the sound.

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Guess you dont want to group each plane to the trigger. But I think this might be the easiest way.

So you might need BIS_fnc_inTrigger:


But there certainly is a better way...

For the sound: On the bottom-left of the trigger's menu there is a button called Effects.

There you can find your soundfile in the drop-downs. Try it at "anonymous" and "voice" etc. I would advice to use anonymous, but it didnt work for me.

Actually you can also type playSound "Siren" but again this didnt work for me. Give it a try by yourself...

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I do have it working now sort of, not fully tested whether it always comes alive after a new enemy plane enters it but the main problem is now sound, it's not as loud as I would like it to be even though I changed the settings in Description.ext, here is my Description.ext line.

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {};

class wolf1


// how the sound is referred to in the editor (e.g. trigger effects)

name = "KLAXON";

// filename, volume, pitch

sound[] = {"Music\Siren.ogg", 10, 1};

// subtitle delay in seconds, subtitle text

titles[] = {1, "*ENEMY AIRCRAFT SPOTTED!*"};



Guess you dont want to group each plane to the trigger. But I think this might be the easiest way.

So you might need BIS_fnc_inTrigger:


But there certainly is a better way...

For the sound: On the bottom-left of the trigger's menu there is a button called Effects.

There you can find your soundfile in the drop-downs. Try it at "anonymous" and "voice" etc. I would advice to use anonymous, but it didnt work for me.

Actually you can also type playSound "Siren" but again this didnt work for me. Give it a try by yourself...

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Had the same problem. Guess you have to restart the game (or reload the mission editor) or change the file's volume itself.

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I added more Db to the sound using Audacity, thanks for your assistance! Been most helpful! :)



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