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Invisible weapons, help!...

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I replayed the Scrap mission, only to make sure that this time, I would gather all the weapons around.

And all of a sudden, while playing Scrap, my Dragunov disappears from my hands: I can drop it, reload it, fire, put it in a vehicule, take it back, give it to a soldier, take it back again: always invisible (even when it is on the ground). I even see my hands carrying a weapon but they are empty! And I don't have any weapon view (i.e. pressing Keypad Zero does nothing), nor the weapon reticles when in normal view (makes it difficult to use the Dragunov!wink.gif.

And exactly the same happens with the Bizons. When I take the RPG, an AK, a PK, my Pistol... everything is OK.

So I completed the mission & went to the next one, but there again, invisible weapons. I quit OFPR, reloaded, still the same.

This is serious & quite a problem for the rest of the Campaign!

Anyone saw that? HELP...

I play in 1600x1200, with visibility of 900, textures to max except for Special Effects, Auto Drop Down to 4x or 2x (tried both), average/high image quality, high required frame rates, terrain detail of "high". The game is very fluid, so it does not seem to be a memory problem.

HW: Athlon 1800+, GeForce 4400, Win98SE, 512 Meg of memory, 30 Gigas of free disk space, Windows Swap file on automatic (fails manually set).

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Back up your "user" directory and reinstall?

Thats all I can think of as this seems a bit trivial.

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Trivial? Playing OFP without being able to use your weapons?

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this has just happened to me for no reason-it just happened so im gonna try fix it and see what happens mad.gif

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Enigmus restarting does the job for me, I hope it does for u too

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I had this problem and it turned out to be an addon, cant remember which one.

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Yes: very strange. Restarting the PC did the job. Must be some sort of vicious memory corruption, because I had restarted OPF without rebooting the PC and it had not worked.


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