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Can the Path of the P: Drive be moved to a different HardDrive?

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After I've installed the Arma3 tools and the P Drive, I've noticed it lower my C Drive too low on space. Can the Path of the P:Drive be moved to my other Hard Drives I have installed on my system

without having to move the whole game over?



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The P:\ drive is a "Virtual" drive - it doesn't really exist as a physical drive, of course - what you see as "P:\<contents> when it's all set up properly is actually the "Arma 3 Tools" folder itself, which I'm guessing you have installed to C:\<somewhere>

Easiest solution is to install the tools to a drive other than C:\


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Thanks, I just uninstalled everything and placed it on new Hard Drive . Now I can get back pulling my hair out Modding :dancehead: :smash: ;)

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