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Suicide Script Help

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at the moment i'm trying to get a picture of an Blufor AI shooting himself in the head for part of the mission I am working on.

At the moment all i can manage is making myself commit suicide and not the AI.

i have a file in the mission folder called 'suicide.sqf', it contains this

'Dave switchmove "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_suicide1B"'

then in the AI's init section i have..

'Dave addaction ["suicide","suicide.sqf", 0, 0, false]'

Dave is the AI's Name

I Think it may have something to do with this


When it's on player it gives me the option to do it, it doesn't force me. Maybe it's giving the AI the option to do it which it is ignoring?




Never Mind it's working now, silly mistake i made

Edited by Twiggy

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My understanding of what you're saying here is that you need to get a picture of a BLUFOR AI shooting himself--you are trying to do this with the context menu so you can capture the photo. Why not just use a trigger with the activation on Radio Alpha, then put 'Dave switchmove "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_suicide1B"' in the onAct? Would this not serve the same purpose? Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, but addAction seems like the most annoying way you could choose to do this.

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